New Grow Room. Do I Have Enough Lighting?

So I Just Created and have started using my new grow room! its 6 ft by 6ft by 8ft. I have 5 Non-recirculating DWC plants Growing. Just 5 plant, Each In tthere own 5 gallon bucket with airstones. Im hoping 2 scrog them off at about 2 feet tall and create a Sea Of Green or Screen Of Green. Is One 600w MH(veg)/HPS(flower) Enough Light? Im tryin 2 grow a pound.


Active Member
So I Just Created and have started using my new grow room! its 6 ft by 6ft by 8ft. I have 5 Non-recirculating DWC plants Growing. Just 5 plant, Each In tthere own 5 gallon bucket with airstones. Im hoping 2 scrog them off at about 2 feet tall and create a Sea Of Green or Screen Of Green. Is One 600w MH(veg)/HPS(flower) Enough Light? Im tryin 2 grow a pound.
No. A 600W light will only cover about a 3x3 area, you'd need 4 of them for that much space. Also, Sea of green (SOG) is all about a lot of small plants, not a few trained plants, you're thinking SCROG not SOG. Additionally a plant that is 2 foot tall at flower will be over 6' when finished, a 600W light won't penetrate that well if you go that tall. You may want to rethink your grow style or invest in a lot more resources. Either way, a single 600W light is not enough for what you want to do.


Active Member
A single 1000w light will do a 5x5 (5x4 would be better) area, I wouldn't go any bigger, but 2 600's would better in a 3x6 kind of shape. You could run 2x600 in a 5x5 but your edges will suffer while your center plants will be great.

Hope that helps...


Active Member
I have a 5 x8 screen with 12 5 gallon buckets ebb and flow and 3000 watts center is great outside edges dont do as well


New Member
get another 600 watter and let the plants share light

i run 4 400 watt for total of 1600 in 5.5 x 7 foot room and still feel i dont have enough light


Active Member
The general "rule of thumb" is around 50W/sq foot with HID lighting. You can use more light (up to a point) if you can deal with heat, etc, but less light will almost always affect the end result. Also, most hoods reflect best in a rectangular pattern so, personally, I like 3x4 for 600W and 5x4 for 1000w. If you scale using those "per light" areas, you'll have better results. Also, all lights are better in the center vs the edges but it gets worse when you're not running enough light per sq foot.

donutpunched: 3Kw in a 5x8 should be great, maybe your hoods are turned the wrong way or otherwise not placed properly?

arizoning: 4x400 in that area is just a little bit of a stretch, depending on orientation.

Like I said, plants always do better in the middle than the outside but not enough light compounds the problem.


New Member
The general "rule of thumb" is around 50W/sq foot with HID lighting. You can use more light (up to a point) if you can deal with heat, etc, but less light will almost always affect the end result. Also, most hoods reflect best in a rectangular pattern so, personally, I like 3x4 for 600W and 5x4 for 1000w. If you scale using those "per light" areas, you'll have better results. Also, all lights are better in the center vs the edges but it gets worse when you're not running enough light per sq foot.

donutpunched: 3Kw in a 5x8 should be great, maybe your hoods are turned the wrong way or otherwise not placed properly?

arizoning: 4x400 in that area is just a little bit of a stretch, depending on orientation.

Like I said, plants always do better in the middle than the outside but not enough light compounds the problem.

i know im stretching it that what i meant its not enough
so we agree good