New Grow Room, First Grow


Active Member
This is my very cost efficient grow room. It is made from a large TV cardboard box (approx. 6' long x 2' deep x 4.5' tall). The inside was mostly lined with tin foil and divided into 2 sections, my nursery/veg side and my flowering side.

This first grow is pretty much just a test run to see how it functions. I'm currently using 3 100W CFL's in the nursery (2x2x4.5) and 5 100W CFL's in the flowering side (4x2x4.5). I have a low power bathroom fan installed in each side for air circulation, and a large door in the front of each side for easy access to my plants. I also made the top so that either side can be opened to look at plants from above or adjust the lighting.

Anyways, the grow:

I currently have 4 clones from a lemon variety (not sure which) that I'm trying to root. They were taken during flower as I wasn't sure I'd have any other means to keep growing otherwise. So far, they are rooting but VERY slowly. They've been in there for about 8-9 days and probably still need at least a week more in rock wool before I transplant.

I also have 2 mystery seeds from a seed bank (my free seeds, were unlabeled) and 2 thc bomb seeds that were germinated 3 days ago. So far only 1 of the 4 has sprouted above the surface.

Going to update with pictures as often as I can.


Active Member
Day 6

3/4 seeds didn't sprout. I'm currently germinating 2 more thc bomb and am going to let them germinate a bit extra to get a bigger tap root. My 1 plant is doing pretty well. I will also be transplanting the 4 clones into soil next week to see if they take at all. There hasn't been any new growth, but they haven't completely died and there is SOME root growth so we'll see.

Here's the 1 survivor:


Active Member
Day 9

my 1 baby is doing very well. I will be transplanting it to a bigger pot the first week of October.

Day 11

Plant is looking very healthy! I just purchased some root riot starter cubes so once they arrive I will be starting another batch of seeds (all of the others I've attempted to germinate in paper towels have not produced.

The 4 clones I took from my last grow are not dying, but aren't growing either. All of them have a good amount of roots growing from the rockwool, but not really any new vegetative growth. I've moved them into soil to see if that helps.


Active Member
Thanks. I realize that tin foil isn't ideal, but I'm on a really tight budget and it was either 79 cents for tin foil or 10 bucks+ for the reflective aluminum sheet stuff. Hopefully my space is small enough and well ventilated enough that it won't matter too much.
Either bring down your lights or bring up your plants. CFL's are most effective between 1"-4". For your roots, use 1/2 cup hydrogen peroxide per gallon of water.:leaf:


Active Member
The lights are actually about 1" above the top of my humidity dome right now. I will be using Bio-root to help with root growth. I'll be posting an updated picture tonight once I transfer my sole survivor to his new pot. I also contacted the company I got my seeds from because only 1 out of 10 seeds they sent me would even germinate (most didn't even show a taproot after soaking in paper towels, soaking for 24 hours in a shot glass, or even planted straight into root riot cubes). They are sending me some replacement seeds. I think the main problem was the seeds looked very immature. They are all a ligh tan color instead of the darker color they should be. Here's a pic.


Active Member
day 13


Just finished transplanting to my big pot. I am also going to be starting the remainder of my thc bomb seeds today in root riot cubes. If these don't take, I'll try again once my new seeds are shipped. FYI, I got my seeds from [FONT=&quot][/FONT] Their customer service has been really great, and when I explained that the seeds I recieved seemed to be very immature and weren't germinating, they immediately said they would be sending replacement seeds. So, the jury is still out on their quality. Hopefully I just got a bad batch because I've heard good things about them.


Active Member
Day 15


2 more sprouted seedlings. Upon reccomendation, I used the root riot cubes to germinate the seeds and they work FANTASTIC! It's only been 2 days and both seeds have already sprouted. I also gave the bigger plant it's first dose of Bio-root today. We'll see how she (hopefully) reacts.


Active Member
1st plant Day 17, seedlings day 5


Unfortunately since the transplant my bigger plant has slowed growth the last 2 days. There was definitely a little shock for it I think, but it's starting to recover nicely and I noticed a fair amount of growth this afternoon. The seedlings are doing ok. The smaller one had an issue where it couldn't get the outer shell off so I had to give it a quick little "surgery" to help it along. I was pretty careful so hopefully I didn't cause too much stress.

New seeds haven't arrived yet. I'm probably going to stay w/ these 3 plants for now and if any of them are males I will start a new batch once I determine that (or just clone one of the ladies, assuming there is one).


Active Member
Day 19
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Decent growth on the big plant. The pictures don't show it, but it's been making a LOT of new sprouts. Hopefully it will shoot up in the next couple of days. I noticed that the stem has really started to thicken up which I'm very excited about. One of my seedlings completely drooped over to the side because I think the lights are too far away from it, so I had to move everything around in there and plant the seedling into another cup and bury most of the stem to get it to stand up straight. Hopefully it doesn't die. =/



Active Member
Almost forgot, I will be starting nutrients on the bigger plant next time I water. Here 's a photo of the nutes I use and the soil.



Active Member
DAY 21

I gave my big plant it's first nutrients today. So far, no reaction to it and it's been about 5 hours so hopefully I won't see any nutrient burn. Lots of new growth and the plant has shot up almost an inch in the last couple of days. I'm going to have to move my lights up very soon. The 2 seedlings are doing well. They are growing slowly but surely.



Active Member
I started Low Stress Training last week. I was a bit nervous that I would totally mess it up and ruin the plant, but hopefully it all works out for the best. I don't have a very large grow area currently so space is at a premium. Just fed her (hopefully) a full dose of nutrients last night, no evidence of burn which makes me happy.
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Other than that, my 2 other plants from seed will be transplanted tonight I think. I also recieved my 10 thc bomb seeds from the seedbank. Again, they all look rather light in color so I'm not sure if I will continue to purchase from them. Anyone have opinions on I'll upload pics again on Monday of the big mama and the 2 seedlings in their new homes.


Well-Known Member
Hey good job so far. I started my first grow as well. I am on day 20. I was thinking about low stress training as well but decided not to do it this time around. I have ten plants going in a area of 4X3 so space is limited. I might have to put them in flower early since I got only 5 feet of height space. I havent given them any nutes yet but will next watering. What EC did you feed them for the first time?



Active Member
I just went with what is on the label for them. Right now I'm using Grow and Micro at 2ml/L and BioRoot at 5 ml/L. Right now I stagger feedings, nutes for 1 feeding and just BioRoot for the other. I really don't know much about EC or TDS, so I'm just going with what I've done in the past. Just curious, what strain are you growing?


Active Member
Well, it's now been 1 month from seed on my biggest plant. I was on vacation for the past 3 days and was very nervous I would come home to a dying plant, but when I opened up the grow room I was super excited to see the great progress that was made. There are now about 8 really excellent bud sites that are all growing fast and healthy. The LST really has made a noticeable difference and I'm very glad I did it.


I just moved it into the flower room today. It's probably a week or 2 earlier than I would want, but since it wasn't a feminized seed I really want to find out sooner rather than later if it's a female. Also, I'm out of weed myself and promised I wouldn't buy any more so I'd like to get something flowering as soon as humanly possible. :eyesmoke:

Now, the even MORE exciting news is that the clones I took from my last grow approximately 1 week before flowering (yep, you read right) are doing AWESOME. I started with 6 and am down to 2 as I weeded out the weakest, but these 2 have finally started to take off the last week or so. The great part is that they are both from a female plant so hopefully they will stay that way. Here is a pic of the bigger one. I will be transplanting it tomorrow or Wednesday.

Last but not least, here are the 2nd batch of thc bomb seedlings. Both are growing slowly but surely. I will be germinating 2 more from seed starting tomorrow I think.


Active Member
So I just found out that my "mystery seeds" are Moroccan black. So that's what the plant I just put into flower is apparently. All I can tell from reading up on it is that it makes excellent hash, which is pretty sweet considering I just bough some hash bags from my last grow. Anyone have any other opinions or experience with the strain?