New Grow Room Pictures, almost done!!!


Well-Known Member
i will do an update with pics 2morrow, i also ordered the a/c unit! cant wait for that, and next week i will order the climate control unit, and after that will be last but not least the c02 an my room will b completed:hump:

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
what kind of climate controll are you going to get ??? i have been having a hell of a time keeping my temp and humidity at the same ...... when lights are on it goes from 75-93 temp and the humidity goes from 39 - 55............when lights are off the temp goes down to 60 and the humidity can change from 70 or 30 i dont know what changes it but grrr this has been my biggiest challange grrrr wish i had a bigger room to put my ac in there ........hahahaha was trying to talk my girl into letting me convert one of are rooms into one no go :cry: one day oh yes :hump: looking forward to the update man ........oh yea hidden doors ???? i thought you were not going to try and hide the doors i am very instersted i like secret rooms i have one i built but shit didnt take into considering getting everything in ther and out oh yea and changing water was no fun untell i built somthing but yea this is your grow hahaha ... so looking great man keep it up l:weed:


Active Member
Arent those light hanger screws rated for 25lbs? I was thinking of using one but was sketchy incase they fall and break. I framed up a wall and added a stud on top of the 2 walls (roofless) and hung my lights by wraping the chain around the stud.


Well-Known Member
looks like its time for a new girlfriend if she wont let u convert a room, haha jus playin but im gettin the Sentinel EVC-2 Digital Temperature & Humidity Controller. no hidden doors yet hah
once i get the last 3 items on my list ( a/c unit, climate control unit, and c02 unit) i will be able to finally not worry about it gettin too hot it there it will b soo nice
and the hooks are rated for 90 lbs and they r screw directly into the stud, im not worried one bit, i made sure i wasnt gonna let my brand new ligths fall but good lookin out.


Well-Known Member
i have the sentinal evc 2 and it is awesome... i dont have to do much. the only thing you have to make sure you have a basic ac unit and not have a digital temp gauge inside it like is on my portable unit... it works great with an older ac unit that i have that gets turned on full blast every time it gets power from the sentinal. plus if you want to upgrade to the sentinals line of co2 ppm controller they have a 12vdc input on the co2 which shuts off the co2 when the temps are too hot or if you have it exausting.


Well-Known Member
sweet man, well i just got an a/c unit it takes care of temp/humidity will it work with the setinel? or should i just get a co2 controller instead now and just leave the a/c on controlling temp/humdity

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
well your ac should have a temp controll on it so i would bother hooking it up to the sentienl (lucky fuk i want one:lol:) just control the humidity and the co2 from the sentienal .....get some pics up man i want to be there to :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
haha ok ok pics 2nite, i need to finish the ducting, oh and i took my computer outta that little room and made that my veg room, and now the a/c is here ahh its so nice


Well-Known Member
Nice and clean. cant wait to seee update pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

will be sitting here refreshing till they showup :P mmmmmmmmm painkillers make me verry repetitive


Well-Known Member
hahah thanks guys, i got super faded last nite and didnt post the pics, but i did take them! hope u didnt sit there refreshing for too long lol. so here are a few new pics

veg/clone/mother box 400w mh


Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
shit man can i put a futon in there hahaha i wanna move in ......looking fuking great man liked how you changed things around looks very clean.... now your set just gotta wait for the girls to do there job .... doing great keep it up!! :bigjoint: bongsmilie :bigjoint: