
This is my little setup im working on. 2 thermometers , i have 2 125w grow lights just for now going to be picking up a 250w hps in a little. bought some emergency blankets and put those up for reflecting light.

i can raise and lower the setup.

I have 10 ak 48 seeds coming only going to grow mabe 2 for right now.

going to use Fox Farm soil.

Nuits? not quite sure?

How is this setup going to work for ak 48 ?

and yes i disinfected the space.

thanks ,



Well-Known Member
What kinda lights are those? And I think that space would work fine, if your not trying to be stealthy about it.


Well-Known Member
ventilation is going to be your biggest problem. if you leave the closet as is you are going to have your whole place smelling of pot when you flower. if you cover the openings you need to vent the hot air to the outside or the attic.


Well-Known Member

What kind of grow lights are they ? Can't tell from the picture.

The Fox Farm Ocean Forest will be good, you shouldn't need any nutes for the first 4 weeks of veg.

Peace - :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Yea it deff will work if your not worried about smell just set up a little fan in there pointed at the plants and open the door once in a while. I loved growing in my closet waking up to the smell of weed was deadly.


Well-Known Member
they look like cfl floods or some kinda wierd halogen flood...
they have lenses...
you need better lights.

they are those 'blue' incadescant horticulture lamps.... they suck!


they're just those 125w grow lights from home depot. im going to buy a 150w--250w hps while im sprouting.


When switching to the hps lights is the heat going to go up? do i need to vent more at that point? or are the hps better on giving off heat?


Well-Known Member
Ventilation is going to be your biggest problem, but not because of smell. Getting rid of the heat generated by those lights is a must. I you are just in the veg stage I would switch to fluorescent lights to keep the heat down. Second you need to have a way to get fresh air in the room (which also means you need to get the stale air out), just venting the air into another bedroom will not be enough.
Another problem is going to be outside light entering the closet from the bottom of the door or the slits in the door. During flowering, some plants are very sensitive to any light and any light that gets in during their 12 hours of darkness could cause the plants to hermaphrodite.
I have done grows in areas this small and a good thing to remember is, do not let the plants get too big because it begins to get very difficult to trim and take care of with such a small space. Also try to avoid spraying anything on that mylar ( it will be difficult), any mist or water that gets on the mylar will decrease it ability to reflect.
Good luck, stay on it and it should work out great.


they are those grow bulbs from home depot. lol

im going to order a hps soon.

what lights will work just for the sprout and a little of the veg? that i can buy locally?


Well-Known Member
You will want to get some CFL's they have them at home deport. They will work in your fixture.

This is from the Tutorial, link below.

"5000K is labeled Full Spectrum, and finally 6400K – 6500K is labeled Daylight. You can grow an entire crop with CFL’s if you chose the right spectrum of bulb’s. For Vegetation you will want to use 6500K or 5000K"

Vegging under CFL's is really good, then when you want to flower move on to your HPS.

Check out this Tutorial - Tutorial to Growing with CFL's

Good luck - :bigjoint:


Update*. Germing the seeds (ak48) right now. Got a y splitter and 6 100w cfls to replace in those fixtures. Going to a hydro shop down south Sunday to pick u up soil and nuits.

Would it be good to put malar on the floor as well?? I've got plenty of the stuff and I wanna make sure my girls to get plenty of light. ??
I have them sproutin in jiffy peat pellets with greenhouse top. How long do I wait to trans plant in bucket of FF soil ???


Well-Known Member
You are growing from seed, I use clones. Sounds like you got some good lights.

So when you see GOOD ROOTS coming out of plug it is time to transplant (with FFOF no nutes for 4 weeks)

I put my clones in 16 oz cups to start, when the roots are showing out of the holes in the bottom I transplant in 1 gallon pots.

Then before I go to flower I transplant to 3 gallon pots.

Depending on how many you get going, you may want to sex the plants in the 1 gallon pots.

That's it!

Peace - :joint::peace: