new grow starting up, need some advice & guidance!


Active Member
hey i'm an intermediate grower starting up a new project. just got the seeds from attitude in the mail the other day thanks guys! i'll be using white label northern lights, dutch passion power plant, & nirvana ak-47. they are all feminized (which is why i went with the nirvana ak over the serious seeds variety). anyway i'm looking for a bit of advice from seedling to finish basically.

i've decided to go with a mix of 2/3 ff ocean forest to 1/3 ff light warrior for the main soil. for the starting 1 gallon pots i am using a lighter mix much heavier on the light warrior. i will be putting the germinated seeds straight in to the 1 gallon pots and was going to start them on a grid of cfls to start. i am aiming for the area of 2000-3000w during flower.

where should i progress from here? what kind of wattage should i kick them up to? what kind of space should i be looking at and how much wattage should i use on the total of 20-25 plants during flower. what size pots should i progress to? should i go straight to 5 gallon pots from the 1 gallon and finish them there? or go from 1 to 3 to 5? or 7 or 15?

also i will be using fox farm nutes to go along with the soil and was wondering what the best way to progress with their product line step by step as well? i will give them a bit of superthrive a couple of times when they are young but beyond that i am open to any and all advice on the matter. i am following a lot of soma's advice from his great book but am going to take it easy on the advanced soil & nutrient concoctions until i have the new genetics dialed in.

thanks everybody good to see a great new site pop up! it's been since the OG days since i was last active in this scene & i'm looking forward to getting back in to it. here's a couple of pictures as a teaser of (hopefully) fruitful things to come.