New grow starting up


Well-Known Member
Ok guys this is my first grow using an HID light. Have had several successful grows using cfl's. Well the sewtup is in a closet under my stairs few more things i need before i can really start the grow. im lining the inside with mylar. this is a soil frow contemplated and aeroponic set up or a hydro set up but going with what im familiar with. im usin a 400w mh light with an hps conversion bulb. fow farm ocean floor soil regular miracle grow plant food later. the seeds are called time warp and thats where im at so far any questions comments or suggestions are appreciated thanx. the pics are the area im using not ready yet



Well-Known Member
seeds are germinating. waiting for them to sprout a root. going to continue construction while the seedlings are growing not much to do.


Well-Known Member
4 seeds in the ground. waiting for the seedlings to pop up. they are under 400w mh lets see where this goes


Well-Known Member
you should get a nice grow with a 400 but what about a fan and filther? what size is your grow area, what size are your pots how long you plan to veg? what food are you feeding the girls? plan everything out


Well-Known Member
i got it planned im using regular miracle gro plant food during veg plan on bout a month,month and half vegging. flowerin will be done when they show they r ready. the grow area is underneath my stairs 4x3x5' area venting right now i have fans blowing inside out and a fan on the outside higher up to blow in jacked up venting but had to suffice for the moment. had to fork out loot for my med card.



Well-Known Member
i have 3 that have popped up so far waitin on the fourth. um everything is good so far still gotta do some minor stuff. nothing really new so far but here are the 3 that popped up.



You have 4 sprouts under your stairs with the most basic of setup... I'm not chirping but unless you have questions, what do you expect people to say? I guess your seedlings look good? Is the mylar up yet? If not you should get on that... What about exhaust?


Well-Known Member
i realized i posted this in wrong forum. it should be in the journals. so this thread will no longer be updated