New grow tent design. Need input.


New Member
I'm designing my first legitimate indoor grow tent setup which I plan to begin building in the next month or so. Money is not an issue. But with this being my first attempt, I obviously want to make sure I'm doing it right. My first grow will consist of 6 plants, but I will increase it up to 12 plants on my second, depending on space. I will be using soil in smart pots (most likely Fox Farm). I figured using a combination of MH/T5 lighting for vegetation and then switching MH to HPS for flowering would provide best results. Here is a list of the parts I'm considering so far:

5' x 5' Gorilla Grow tent (
1 dual bulb raptor reflector
2 600 watt Ushio Super MH bulbs
2 600 watt Ushio Super HPS bulbs
2 600 watt Lumatek ballasts
2 4' (2 tube) 6500k T5 lights

I will have ventilation for the MH/HPS lighting. My tent will be in my garage and, considering I live in Carlsbad, CA, it should stay fairly cool. However, considering the 1200 watts in such a small space I imagine it will still maintain high temperatures without additional airflow, which I have yet figure out. The gorilla tent will have 2 available intake/exhaust at the top (after venting for the lights) and 3 on the bottom.

My question is how should I vent the tent to maximize control for stable temperature? Should I worry about humidity and if so how do I maintain stable levels? I will be getting hygrometer to measure temperature and humidity. Should I be concerned about CO2 levels? If so, what is the best way to maintain optimal levels? What are the best ways to prevent/bugs infestations? I'm currently doing an outdoor grow and dealing with spider mites is a constant chore. I also would like to do a yo yo suspension system for my HM/HPS lighting. What's the best brand that can hold around 50+ pounds? I've also read that some systems require additional amplifiers. Anyone else read about this or used an amplifier for your system? That's all my questions for now. I know it's a lot and I apologize. Feel free to comment if you have any input regarding my choice in equipment or answering question as well as bringing up anything I have not considered. Thanks for the help everyone!!


But with this being my first attempt, I obviously want to make sure I'm doing it right.

I will have ventilation for the MH/HPS lighting. My tent will be in my garage and, considering I live in Carlsbad, CA, it should stay fairly cool. However, considering the 1200 watts in such a small space I imagine it will still maintain high temperatures without additional airflow, which I have yet figure out. The gorilla tent will have 2 available intake/exhaust at the top (after venting for the lights) and 3 on the bottom.
Forget that first part. Ain't gonna happen. I just ain't.

What will happen is you will grow some plants that will produce some buds that may or may not be to your liking. You will have a whole lot of fun doing this and have a pretty awesome experience growing something for yourself!

I have one of those hoods, and it does get hot! Even in an environment that generally stays 65F year round, it can heat the immediate area to 90+ if not properly ventilated. Keep your ventilation under control and you'll be fine.

Take care of that outdoor spider mite problem before it becomes an indoor one.

You'll make mistakes along the way and learn from them and the plants themselves. Try to relax and just enjoy the experience. You'll be growing like a pro in no time.