New Grow, with Jock Horror and Bubbleicious going great (pics)


Well-Known Member
Looking good.. I just tied a couple down, doing an around the pot tie. How big are those pots? I'd also use as much light as you can cram in the box when you do flower..


Well-Known Member
Looking good.. I just tied a couple down, doing an around the pot tie. How big are those pots? I'd also use as much light as you can cram in the box when you do flower..
I have 6 150w warm white cfl's lol....I think that should be enough. I have 10 inch pots i believe.


Well-Known Member
Alrighty 26 in soil and I thought I would post some extra pics for you guys to see....

Let me know how you think they are doing.

They are starting to get too wide so im moving them farther from the lights so they can strech up :blsmoke:





Jock Horror

Jock Horror

Jock Horror

Jock Horror

Jock Horror


Well-Known Member
Okay so now it is day 28. I am going to flower in 2 more days!!! CANT WAIT!

I build a new box that looks much better and keeps the light and smell away :mrgreen:

First tell me how you like my plants and how you think they are doing

Then I would love to have some comments on my box...But first I will tell you how it is build.

It is 2 feet long, 2 feet deep, and 33 inches tall.
I made it out of cheap particle board.
On top for exhaust I used a 100 CFM bathroom exhaust fan and hooked it up with a carbon filter for smell.
There is a 7"x7" whole cut in the bottom with a nice looking grill over it to keep light in.
I used a latch to hold the door tightly closed against some weather stripping.
I used primer white on the inside and flat black outside.
And to top it off I bought a leaf for a handle.

Here are some pictures of the whole new set up with the flowering CFL's in already. I just havent set the time to 12/12 yet. I will in 2 days.

Bubbleicious Not tied down

Bubbleicious Not tied down

Jock Horror Not tied down

Jock Horror Not tied down

Bubbleicious tied down

Bubbleicious tied down

Jock Horror tied down

Jock Horror tied down

Jock Horror tied down

Now for the setup :blsmoke:

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Well-Known Member
So far I cant tell how good the filter works because the outside of the box still smells like paint.


Well-Known Member
Okay so here are some pictures of my plants 30 days in soil. I started the 12/12 light cycle the day I took these pictures. :mrgreen:

Tell me what you think :blsmoke:

Jock Horror

Jock Horror

Jock Horror




New Member
Nice setup, but not very stealthy. Could you have mounted the scrubber in the back and the intake grill on the side facing the wall.
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Well-Known Member
2 males...both relocated today so that I can start a new grow.

Before I start a new grow I would like to find a way to completely 100% get rid of the smell because the carbon filter wasnt doing the job good enough for me. Thanks for watching my journal guys but its time to start fresh :-|


Well-Known Member
Sorry about the males, that's what those pics looked like to me, you should get some fem seeds or a clone from a bank if you can since you are in cali. Know they are female before you put all the TLC in them.

That's crazy that big carbon filter didn't do the job, built proper and an air tight box?


Well-Known Member
The box was air tight. I think the problem was that the exhaust leaked air out the sides of the carbon filter. But I was told that carbon filters only greatly reduce smell. I need something that completely gets rid of the smell 100% To where I can sit in the same room as the plants and cant smell them.


Well-Known Member
me to!! i despretaly need a way to get rid of the smell 100% or i cannot continue with my grow..btw those plants looked very good, sorry about them both being males, but they were HUGE for 30 days..good job, and good job on your boxes


Well-Known Member
this is the best carbon filter I know, if you still have odor you can add an ozone generator $$$
CAN Activated Carbon Filters

Can you make a hole in the ceiling and run the exhaust duct into the attic or out a roof vent, you don't want a long run of ducting though or you'll need a booster fan in the duct somewhere.