New Grow


Active Member
^ Agreed, that looks like a temp problem.
temp ranges from about 78-80 during the first part of the day and ends up at about 85-90 at night before shutdown. I think the issue is the lights being too close. I've only moved them a little bit since I brought them down. Here's why I think that. Only the top leaves are curling the bottom ones aren't. so I think it's the lights being too close. I moved them up about six inches this morning. I'll see in a few days.


Active Member
^ Agreed, that looks like a temp problem.
temp ranges from about 78-80 during the first part of the day and ends up at about 85-90 at night before shutdown. I think the issue is the lights being too close. I've only moved them a little bit since I brought them down. Here's why I think that. Only the top leaves are curling the bottom ones aren't. so I think it's the lights being too close. I moved them up about six inches this morning. I'll see in a few days.
Thanks for the feedback bros.


Well-Known Member
How about taking a piece of 1" X 6" x 6'/8' board and place it next to one of your sliders, bracing against the jam? Cut a hole in the top for the exhaust fan and one on the bottom for fresh air?



Active Member
How about taking a piece of 1" X 6" x 6'/8' board and place it next to one of your sliders, bracing against the jam? Cut a hole in the top for the exhaust fan and one on the bottom for fresh air?

That's a damn good idea. My only problem is this. I was laid off three months ago and used some of my severance money to buy the lights and the bubbler, but now I don't have any money and no job currently and can't keep asking my wife for money to grow my shit. She's already scared that I'm talking about it online to other people. I didn't forsee this problem. For now man I'm just gonna keep the closet door open for now and maybe get another little fan and keep them running most of the time. I also moved the lights up six inches. I'll keep an eye on them and if this continues then I'll have to think of something else. But I appreciate all your input fellow newbie. You are a newbie right?


Well-Known Member
"You are a newbie right?" Yep!!

I understand your situation and hope you find something that you enjoy! If it wasn't for this forum, I'd have no one to talk about my grow with, except for one friend.

I'm still thinking of a way to vent that closet w/o costing you any money.


Well-Known Member
Question: Do you have a fan in the closet now? If so, is it blowing between the lights and the tops of the plants?


Active Member
Question: Do you have a fan in the closet now? If so, is it blowing between the lights and the tops of the plants?
Yep, I have one oscilating fan that circulates in the closet. Right now the temp is at 82 degrees and i've had one side of the doors open right now.
Honestly, the curling leaves seems to going away since I raised the light.
Dude, i'm right with you regarding having no one to talk to about my grow. I'm glad that you're trying to help me with my situation. If it wasn't for this forum I would have lost the crop in the bubbler already, if I didn't know about the 8 step fix.

Thanks a lot bro. I'm greatful for all your help.


Well-Known Member
Your plants look nice bro, but I would lay off the nutes a bit. When the tips start to bend down towards the floor it is probably the beginning of some type of overfeeding problem. Also, the necrotic spot on the one big fan leaf on the bottom of your plant looks like another sign of that. When a plant is growing vegitatively, it uses "N"(nitrogen) more to grow. By continuously feeding it the way you said you have been, there's a good chance that the "P" and "K" ferts, and salts from them, are starting to build up on you. If they were mine, I would give them a good flush. The curling up leaves are almost certainly from the 90 degree temps your running. I know you said $$ is tight now, but a "PH/N-P-K" testing kit is like $20-25, and would serve you well. Best of luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
"Honestly, the curling leaves seems to going away since I raised the light."

Right on!

By the way, what type of light are you using?


Active Member
Your plants look nice bro, but I would lay off the nutes a bit. When the tips start to bend down towards the floor it is probably the beginning of some type of overfeeding problem. Also, the necrotic spot on the one big fan leaf on the bottom of your plant looks like another sign of that. When a plant is growing vegitatively, it uses "N"(nitrogen) more to grow. By continuously feeding it the way you said you have been, there's a good chance that the "P" and "K" ferts, and salts from them, are starting to build up on you. If they were mine, I would give them a good flush. The curling up leaves are almost certainly from the 90 degree temps your running. I know you said $$ is tight now, but a "PH/N-P-K" testing kit is like $20-25, and would serve you well. Best of luck with your grow.
Thanks for the advice Antman. You seem to know your stuff. So, give them a good flush you say. Simply stick them under water and let it run through the soil? For how long? 1, 5 or 10 minutes? I also noticed that some leaf tips are starting to turn yellow as well, which I know is a sign of over fertilizing. Damn, thanks bro. I don't know what I would have done without this piece of information. Any advice on the temp situation? Get more fans?


Well-Known Member
a 400w mh. why?
I was just wondering. I'm familiar with CFL's, but not mh's.

I've been trying to figure out how to use household items to vent your closet, which will be important during the 12/12 period when no light can get to the plants for 12 hours.

One goofy thought was to take a blanket(folded between the jam & door)and cut two holes(one top & one bottom) and have at least one fan exhausting out the top.

But then I talked to Bluey(my bong) and LMAO!!!



Active Member
I was just wondering. I'm familiar with CFL's, but not mh's.

I've been trying to figure out how to use household items to vent your closet, which will be important during the 12/12 period when no light can get to the plants for 12 hours.

One goofy thought was to take a blanket(folded between the jam & door)and cut two holes(one top & one bottom) and have at least one fan exhausting out the top.

But then I talked to Bluey(my bong) and LMAO!!!

That's funny dude. LMAO too. In terms of darkness, the room is completely dark when the lights go out. When the lights are out the temp goes down quite a bit. Also, I'm going to switch bulbs when I start to flower. Once I go 12/12 i'm going to be using a 400w hps bulb. Maybe it won't be as hot. Who knows. I wish I could take a big fat hit from your bong right now. My kid just came home with 3 D's and an F. Plus, I tested myself last night and I failed, POSITIVE FOR THC. I don't have a job offer yet but i'll need to pass a frickin test to get a decent job. And I've been clean for over three weeks now. Damn. Anyway, Later man.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice Antman. You seem to know your stuff. So, give them a good flush you say. Simply stick them under water and let it run through the soil? For how long? 1, 5 or 10 minutes? I also noticed that some leaf tips are starting to turn yellow as well, which I know is a sign of over fertilizing. Damn, thanks bro. I don't know what I would have done without this piece of information. Any advice on the temp situation? Get more fans?
No problem bro. To flush your plants, you should water them slowly and thoroughly using three or four times the size of the pot they are in. One gallon pot, 3-4 gallons of water. Also, I don't know if you have been using regular tap water, but if so, you should check the PH of the water too(PH/N-P-K Test Kit from above). If your plants have been doing well with the water you've been using I would say it's alright, just might want to check it anyway. Water should be room temperature. Another thing is you should let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. When the soil dries out, the plants roots go in search of water, spreading out and giving you a big root system. BIG roots = BIG buds. An easy, pretty foolproof way to know when to water is to stick your finger into the soil up to your second knuckle. If the soil is still damp that far down, wait a bit longer. As for your closet temps, what is above the closet? Is there an attic above it? If so, cut a hole, or a few holes, and put air conditioner vents over them. Since heat naturally rises, by cutting the holes, a lot of the heat will escape.


Active Member
No problem bro. To flush your plants, you should water them slowly and thoroughly using three or four times the size of the pot they are in. One gallon pot, 3-4 gallons of water. Also, I don't know if you have been using regular tap water, but if so, you should check the PH of the water too(PH/N-P-K Test Kit from above). If your plants have been doing well with the water you've been using I would say it's alright, just might want to check it anyway. Water should be room temperature. Another thing is you should let the soil dry out a bit between waterings. When the soil dries out, the plants roots go in search of water, spreading out and giving you a big root system. BIG roots = BIG buds. An easy, pretty foolproof way to know when to water is to stick your finger into the soil up to your second knuckle. If the soil is still damp that far down, wait a bit longer. As for your closet temps, what is above the closet? Is there an attic above it? If so, cut a hole, or a few holes, and put air conditioner vents over them. Since heat naturally rises, by cutting the holes, a lot of the heat will escape.
what is above the closet?
The master bedroom is above the closet. All the water I've been using has been tap water. The ph usually comes out between 5.5-6.0 which is good from what I've read. Correct me if i'm wrong.
As far as watering, according to what you're telling me i've been over watering. I give them about a cup and a half a day. The nutes I have says 1 teaspoon per gallon of water, which is what i've been following. The root system being bigger to make bigger buds makes sense. I'll water them when they are dry as you suggested. I'm thinking about switching to 12/12 soon, maybe another two weeks(five weeks they will be if I wait another two weeks). Will watering less frequently be an issue when they bloom?

Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
The 5.5-6.0 is good for hydro, but for soil it should be 6.5-6.9. You said that you give them 1-1/2 "Cups" of water a day? What size pots are they in? Small? Regardless of pot size, you should NOT water your plants EVERY day, especially if there is ferts mixed in with the water. Since the Master bedrm is above the closet, thus, not allowing you to exhaust the heat into the attic, I don't know how you can control the temps.


Active Member
The 5.5-6.0 is good for hydro, but for soil it should be 6.5-6.9. You said that you give them 1-1/2 "Cups" of water a day? What size pots are they in? Small? Regardless of pot size, you should NOT water your plants EVERY day, especially if there is ferts mixed in with the water. Since the Master bedrm is above the closet, thus, not allowing you to exhaust the heat into the attic, I don't know how you can control the temps.
To be honest, since I've had the closet door open today the temp hasn't gone over 82 degrees, which is good. So, as far as temp is concerned I'm just going to leave the closet door open from now on. The reason I had closed the door in the first place is that when I first started the humidity was down around 40% and I needed to get it up higher. So, I bought a cheap humidifier and kept the doors closed, which brought it up to around 70% which it stays at most of the time now. If the humidity is going to stay at 70% or more I can leave the door open. Besides, when I switch to 12/12 I want lower humidity anyways, right?


Well-Known Member
Correct, when you flower the humidity is OK at 40%, or lower. You never answered about the size of your pots? You should have your plant(s) in at least a one gallon pot. If not, you should transplant before you flower. If you have the room, bigger than one gallon is even better. If you need to PM me, don't hesitate. I'm here to help.


Active Member
Correct, when you flower the humidity is OK at 40%, or lower. You never answered about the size of your pots? You should have your plant(s) in at least a one gallon pot. If not, you should transplant before you flower. If you have the room, bigger than one gallon is even better. If you need to PM me, don't hesitate. I'm here to help.
They are all one gallon pots. I'm thinking about getting 3 five gallon pots. They are $3 each at HD, which I can afford if need be.

Hey, thanks again Antman. You've been most candid with your feedback and I appreciate it very much.


Well-Known Member
That's cool bro. I think 3 gallon pots would be more than adequate for a closet grow, but the extra room for the roots can NEVER hurt ya. Like I said, need help, give me a shout.:peace::bigjoint: