new grow


Well-Known Member
thanx alot guys took some time for me to figure out what was going wrong after trial and error but here we are. now is it normal for the plants to look a lil droopy after repotting?
Wut up man, lookin sweet.

The droopiness is normal. Most times when transplanting your plants will get a little stressed and should recover within a day or 2, but results will be outstanding within a week. Also, the intial watering if over watered after the transplant will cause droppiness, but don't worry man, they look fine.....

Just make sure to get them really thirsty before next watering...:clap:


Well-Known Member
i think u can start them now bro just give them way less than what it says to add, just to start them off, so use verry little , what are you using?


Well-Known Member
lookin good man but i saw in the corner that theres leftover water in bottom trays, im told you want to pour the excess water away to help the roots breath.


Well-Known Member
thats the water that just flowed through the soil. i didnt even use half the pot size of water it the soil is real loose and airy


Well-Known Member
aight they just look so sad lol but the one looks to be springing back. i love sittin in the closet and just smellin and lookin at my plants i have a bond with them. their my kids


Well-Known Member
what i have bee tryin to do i think next time ima start them in the bigger pots that way dnt have to trans plant them cut out a step


Well-Known Member
if you do that then it would take them longer to get bigger cuz they have alot more space to fill with roots, but try it


Well-Known Member
been a few days guys here some pics from yesterday and today they look much perkier today. i started ferting yesterday 1/2 strength they seem to like it the first 4 pics r from yesterday the last 4 r today



Well-Known Member
just some bagseed. testin the grow area and my knowledge b4 i go and buy some seeds. dnt like to waste money u knw. ill still get some chronic smoke. i love how fat the leaves r