New grow


Well-Known Member
Hey have a grow thats been going for about a month give or take, have 10 plants, currently in veg state growing off two 4 foot flouresctents which are designed for plants full spectrum, and 4 compact folurescents shining to the sides of the plants on each side, we have bought a 150watt hps that is an outdoor securtiy light got it for cheap (90$) we are gonna use that for flowering, just wondering how far we should have the hps away from the plants and also when is a good time to start flowering


Active Member
better learn how to read and stop asking questions cuz noone is gunna help you after your smooth ass move you pulled


Well-Known Member
make sure to keep the HPS bulb as close as possible, like 1 it burns the shit outta your, i mean someone elses, crops


Misguided Angel
I hope all "your" plants hermie you POS. Here's hoping next time that someone catches you and skins you alive. Have a wonderful day with your stolen plants you jerk off.


Well-Known Member
lol like anyone really needs help from people on the internet about growing marijuana... its not hard and if i really did need to know something id just google it, what a loss :(


Hey peps, i am new to the site and new to growing... I just have one question!!!! Is pre composted cow shit good for my grow??????