New Grow

I'm planning on starting a grow in the next couple days. I built a box that's about 5' tall and 1' wide and deep. I built it out of just wood but I don't seem to have paint around. Do I need to paint the walls white or put some sort of reflective material on the walls or do you think the plant will grow fine with some CFL's?

And also, since I kinda whizzed through making the box there's a couple small spots where air could seep in, should I caulk the holes or will it be fine?


Well-Known Member
Why is the box only 1' wide and deep? But 5' high? And with CFL's?

For a high yield CFL grow, you want CFL's all around the plant, not just the top. Since the bulbs intensity is only good for a few inches, you need to have at least 4 26w cfl's surrounding the plant from all angles. I dont think that can be achievable with a 1 sqft box. Plus, a plant needs room to grow. It wont like growing into a wall, it will just stunt the growth. Yes you should paint the walls flat white or use mylar. The air holes are not a big deal, but if light can get through, that is a problem. You want no light leaks during your flower period.
Sorry if you're reading my post made you think I was stupid lol. But I don't really know why I chose those dimensions I guess I thought the plant would be growing more up than around, and I have 4 CFL's that I can put anywhere in the box. I think I might make the box a little shorter too. I'll probably paint the box tomorrow, do you have any advice as to anything specific I should do?

I see your form norcal also, me too. haha

Edit: I put some sheeting I don't know what it is, it was in my garage, but it'd very reflective and it also serves as insulation. I don't know if that's what I want, but it works for that purpose.


Well-Known Member
Sorry if my post made it come off that way, I wasnt trying to make you sound stupid. I was trying to understand why the box is the size that it is.

Honestly, I wouldnt even try to grow a plant in that box. How are you controlling heat? How will you get air circulation to the canopy and lower branches? It's better to think through everything before diving right into a grow.
True, I've just been contemplating for so long and I'm tired of buying dubs and ten sacks all the time. I could use old computer fans but maybe I should scrap what I have and rebuild something that would work better. I could take pictures to show you if it matter, and no worries about what you saying making anyone feel stupid I took no offense to it :)


Well-Known Member
get those long flourescent lights on the sides and one strong CFL on the top.
You would also need to flower ASAP and not veg too long or you'll be in trouble.

Get some white paint spray and use it. or a small bucket of white paint.
whats the problem?

To cover small cracks just use duct tape and paint over it.
I'll get a couple pictures up in maybe about 3 hours, I can also record a short video and upload it to youtube or something as well.

@McFonz: I only have one semi long fluorescent I could put on the side otherwise I don't have a ballast or whatever you'd call it for a fluorescent to plug it into.
I'll take a picture of all the lights I have as well just so you know all that I'm working with.
Here's a picture of the bulbs I bought, I know there's 5 in there but I only have sockets and cords for 4. Then a picture of the other fluorescent that I have that I could possibly put inside. And last the picture of the box, with the sheeting I put in there I found in my garage.

And also before anyone criticizes the box wasn't supposed to be a work of art, I took quick measurements and just cut all the boards with a skilsaw. I would have rathered use a table saw but I don't have one available to me for the time being.



Well-Known Member
Looks good man, but with the size of that box I wouldnt expect any undergrowth buds. I would top for 4 main colas and then focus the bulbs light on the four colas.

You should read "Buds for Less" by SeeMoreBuds
Okay I'll definitely look into that, I also made another box to go in my closet in which I made a video of, it's still processing, so if you check back in a bit it should be good to watch.
