New Grower, First Grow...


Well-Known Member
=)) ive taken minimum 50+ Clones im a new indoor growerer and ive always rooted my clones indoors then planted outdoors. If you dont care so much then dont be so butt hurt when other ppl give advice that doesnt match your own ;)
It takes more than that to make me feel "butt hurt". If you want a really good, practical reason for not using 14/10, how about this one. Some strains can flower with only 10 hours of darkness. This much darkness causes more stress for the clone than 24 hours of light. It may root quickly, but this is only due to the fact it s under stress.

You can find out a plant's critical light level by observing plants outdoors to see when they start flowering. Check the length of the darkness period when you observe the first flowers. Indoors, you can start at 9 hours of darkness and increase the dark period by 15 minutes each week. Figure the critical period as 15 minutes shorter than the dark period length when you see the first flowers. Suppose a plant's critical dark period is 10 hours. This means that it will flower under 14 hours of light per day. This is 2 hours longer than the 12 hour light period which is generally recommended. The two hours extra light each day is a 16 percent increase in light to the plant. This is critical because light = growth.
A shorter dark period may lengthen the flowering period a bit. To get the buds to ripen quickly, the dark period can be lengthened to 12 or even 14 hours.
Taken from here, although this information is widely available, if you'd bother to do some research. :wall:


Well-Known Member
(It takes more than that to make me feel "butt hurt".) then get up off my nuts dude =)) If you arent butt hurt then stop being so damn deffensive and actin stupid. Nobody said anything what so ever that could in any way be directed to you with intent to offend you. Whereas your little butt hurt ass is sittin here talkin shit? Move on dude for real let em drop and grow up


Well-Known Member
(It takes more than that to make me feel "butt hurt".) then get up off my nuts dude =)) If you arent butt hurt then stop being so damn deffensive and actin stupid. Nobody said anything what so ever that could in any way be directed to you with intent to offend you. Whereas your little butt hurt ass is sittin here talkin shit? Move on dude for real let em drop and grow up
I take it you've run out of semi-reasonable arguments, so instead resort to childish crap. The only thing that offends me is bad advice. I don't take any of this personally, unlike certain others seem to be doing.........


Well-Known Member
bottom line is that its safe to use 24/0. do some forum creepin. i havent heard anyone say anything about the plants not being able to handle it.

and you dont have to use a lower light schedule to encourage root growth. You can do that by simply depriving the plant of water for a few days. make the roots run deep down to find it. this isnt rocket science, its a plant.


Well-Known Member
thanks for all the ideas. and especially thanks for turning my post into your own little battle while i was working...

I had a cousin that grew when i was younger and he used 24/0 on his clones and they did great. that advice sounds good to me, ill give it a try. the clones were free and i have some seeds if they die. ill keep you guys updated.

ps. it is in my plans to hang the light. Ive been piecing this box together for a couple weeks now. thanks guys!


Well-Known Member
how many times have any of you yeilded over 1 lb. dried weight for one plant ? im putting my money on not very many ! keep the lights on forever for all i care you all are obviously master gardeners.