New grower, grow tent size?


Im planning on 3 plants and I have limited grow space. What the smallest tent size I should buy. 2x2, 3x3? Also whats the smallest height should I buy? The smaller the better. Its going in a closet.


Active Member
You should build one out of black and white poly and 1"x2"s... It will be custom to your grow space and will cost you less then buying one


Well-Known Member
2x4 is good for a closet.. if not go with something square like a 3x3 with a 400 watter.. thats enough space for some personal organic goodness !


Well-Known Member
3 plants? Depends on many things, but I have 4 plants in a 2x2, but it would be better with 3 plants. So I would say a 2x2 tent would be fine for most situations if you are only doing 3 plants.


Well-Known Member
I have a 4' x 2' x 5' with just 2 plants but it would be perfect for 3 or 4 plants and bought the tent new for $75.00 online.