New grower, is my setup ok? specifically the lights (pictures)


Active Member
thank you guys and my plan (if my money allows for it) is to put some more lights on the sides/bottom. And if I can afford it I may replace all 8 of the current lights with the 55w ones so I can have a greater yield when I harvest. But for now I am happy with what I have and just need to put in fans but I can't find anything to power them. On craigslist they have used 250-350 watt power supplies for like $10 which will be more than enough to power just about as many pc fans as I need or want.


Active Member
If I read correctly you are using miracle grow? It is a good soil for veg as it is high in nitrogen but during flower you really have to be careful to get the right amount of nutrients as it is low in potassium. PH swings are also a consistent problem in some soil types so make sure you have a Soil PH meter or if you have digital test the run off of your water.

Seeds that have germinated if planted an inch down may take longer than 1-3 days to sprout, usually you want to place them about 1/2 an inch or less, I often plant seeds about 3-5mm under the surface, usually had high rates of sprouting like this.

If I can advise anything it would have to be to remain PATIENT, people often make mistakes because they rush into things without giving the plant its natural time to do its thing (myself included, made this mistake with over feeding nutrients in my hydro, put back my growth at least a week or more and had to baby them back to strong roots).

Also I don't see any perlite in your soil, did you add some? Cannabis likes an airy soil and perlite encourages run off and aeration.
I want a ph meter I am going to wait a few weeks and probably pick one up. As far as the nutes I am going to use mg all purpose plant food which has a ratio of 12-4-8 (this for veg). And for flowering I got the mg plant food spikes which are 6-12-6. It seems the nutes in these are relatively low so I was hoping that would help me not mess up but I will try to be careful for sure. I did not add perlite I think the soil had some in it already but when I pour water in there it drains fairly well it seems. I still have only watered it once which was sometime yesterday mid-day. It is pretty much dry so in the morning I was going to water it again.
In small grows I like to mount my lights up to about my maximum height and then raise and lower the plants. I perch them on other pots upside down, pieces of wood,etc, In this way it is easy to make a basic foil reflector that sits above the lights ( not too close!) boxing it all in makes what light you have go further. Wasted light costs you money and can't be used by the plants either. Of course the light proofing will force you to then work with your ventilation and possibly odour control as well. But first I hope the plants get out of the ground. Best of luck I love the process of growing and it does not have to be complicated or expensive.


Active Member
I watered for the second time this morning and I checked a few hours ago and noticed the plant on the left has finally broke the soil sticking out around an inch so I am so happy to see this. I think I see the one on the right coming out barely but I can't tell if it is just my eyes playing tricks on me. Tomorrow I will probably take more pictures if you can see them with my camera. The way I figure it is if for some reason the right one doesn't grow the other one should yield more with the same amount of light. But the right plant also germinated slower so that gives me hope that it is alive down there in the soil.


New Member
Whatever you do, DO NOT use tin foil for reflective lining. tin foil can crinkle easily creating hot spots that can burn your plants. :fire:


Active Member
Well the one on the right still isn't coming out but the left one looks good. How many days would you wait to remove the right one if it still doesn't break the soil? Also if I end up having to remove the right pot do you think because the one pot would have the same twice as much light without the other one that it would yield around the same amount of bud? Here are some pics:



Active Member
This is like the 10th day into the grow. The plant hasn't really gotten any bigger in the past 5-6 days what do you think could be the cause?
