New Grower Looking for Help

Leak Lito

New Member
Hey im a new grower..

My plants have been growing for about 5-7 weeks now outside fully natural. The only thing that i did to them was germinate them, which i did by sittting them in a baby food jar with water.

But the reason why im making this thread is to see what i should do if anything. And i was wanting to know what stage are my plants at the moment and what should i be expecting, things to look for/duration of the process etc...



Your plants look a little small for 7 weeks of growing. If all you've done is germinate them you should consider buying some nutrients and feeding the plants. Since your growing outside you'll begin to notice the days grow shorter therefore less sunlight will force flowering. At that point begin monitoring your plants for sex. If female, continue to feed them with nutrients on a schedule if you are close enough to do so without anyone seeing you. Growing a couple plants like your doing is much easier to do inside your home where you can control everything.

Good luck.

Leak Lito

New Member
Thank you for your help, im going to try to keep everyone posted as much as possible, i take a picture log damn near everyday. Like i said this is my first time growing and i honestly have no clue what im doing, and any help or information is greatly appreciated.
ya looking good bro the light green is fine when it fully grows out the color will be normal good job

patience is the trick to growing

Lord Lonnis

Well-Known Member
how is your soil? it looks like it may not drain very well, does it stay wet all the time? I agree the plants look good, but maybe a little small for their age...

Leak Lito

New Member
how is your soil? it looks like it may not drain very well, does it stay wet all the time? I agree the plants look good, but maybe a little small for their age...
I figured the soil was pretty good because I planted them in a spot where we have flowers that grow at least 2 feet tall that sprout annually around this time.

Another reason why i figured they've seem to have sprouted so well, is the unusual weather we've had this summer. I live in uper indiana and this summer we've had a lot of rain and a lot of hot humid days.