New Grower- Male or Female?Pix here...


Well-Known Member
WOW, sorry to tell you, you got a lot of bad info from somewhere. Take everything you think you know about growing cannabis, and forget it. Start fresh here on RIU and learn from us.

I still run into people all the time that swear you can tell male or female by counting the points on the leaves. LOL!

or by how bushy and tall thewy get


Well-Known Member
Ill admit, I fell into the "males grow better" bullshit at first. And my first grow did fall into that description. But my biggest baddest plant just showed me a VAG so that debunks that myth for me.


Well-Known Member
You should pull the male out now. I don't think you can turn males to fem. You can turn fem to hermies which is just as bad in most cases unless you're wanting to produce some badass seeds.

If you have more seeds you should try again. This time planting each seed in it's own cup/pot. Why stress them more than you have to? Make the bf get rid of the foil too. lol.


Well-Known Member
Ive NEVER heard of turning male cannabis into female. That's fairy tale shit there lol. Lemme sprinkle my magic dust on my males to give them a VAG!


Active Member
Noob grower, BlackCoupe, Cannabitch.. Thank u all for the help and info. I have definitely verified the tallest is a male. The smaller one has been a slow grower, but it does not have signs of being male yet, but I know the other will pollinate it so I'm gonna pull it out and just have that one. Also, gonna start some fresh ones too and just follow the veteran growers advice on here cuz this site is sooo informative!! Yay!! Anyway, I know I'm a pitiful little amatuer grower, but I'm trying to get it right. I'm really learning alot. Oh and btw, the foil is gone from the walls. I am going to let everyone see the other plant that is still growing later on though. Thanks again to everyone who gave a shit enough to give advice. I'm sure it won't be my last post lol


Active Member
Oh and quick question... Best soil to use throughout all grow stages... FoxFarm? I need to add some perlite for drainage though right? Didn't do that last time.


Well-Known Member
Noob grower, BlackCoupe, Cannabitch.. Thank u all for the help and info. I have definitely verified the tallest is a male. The smaller one has been a slow grower, but it does not have signs of being male yet, but I know the other will pollinate it so I'm gonna pull it out and just have that one. Also, gonna start some fresh ones too and just follow the veteran growers advice on here cuz this site is sooo informative!! Yay!! Anyway, I know I'm a pitiful little amatuer grower, but I'm trying to get it right. I'm really learning alot. Oh and btw, the foil is gone from the walls. I am going to let everyone see the other plant that is still growing later on though. Thanks again to everyone who gave a shit enough to give advice. I'm sure it won't be my last post lol

Well at least you kept them alive, male or female, and in a single pot. Your next go round will be much better Im sure. Get some seeds germing and PLAN a grow, and youll end up with some smoke. Start a grow journal and Ill stay along for the ride. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
Oh and quick question... Best soil to use throughout all grow stages... FoxFarm? I need to add some perlite for drainage though right? Didn't do that last time.
I use FoxFarm ocean forrest, check out my grow journal, i think theres some info there that can help you.


Active Member
Thanx for the support and bein so nice bout it. I'm definitely gonna step it up a notch this next batch, and do everything opposite of what we did this last time. I knew better handling it the way i did, but i listened to others that had grown b4 and i should have just did my research on here, and followed my instincts. I think I will keep a journal for the 1st time this grow round... I'd like to know how the pros feel like it's coming along.


Well-Known Member
Noob grower, BlackCoupe, Cannabitch.. Thank u all for the help and info. I have definitely verified the tallest is a male. The smaller one has been a slow grower, but it does not have signs of being male yet, but I know the other will pollinate it so I'm gonna pull it out and just have that one. Also, gonna start some fresh ones too and just follow the veteran growers advice on here cuz this site is sooo informative!! Yay!! Anyway, I know I'm a pitiful little amatuer grower, but I'm trying to get it right. I'm really learning alot. Oh and btw, the foil is gone from the walls. I am going to let everyone see the other plant that is still growing later on though. Thanks again to everyone who gave a shit enough to give advice. I'm sure it won't be my last post lol
You're welcome. I'm so glad you're listening to us. lol we're here to help. :)


Well-Known Member
I haven't used foxfarms but i have heard good things about it. I'm all for Canna products. Canna Coco Coir is suppose to be made for cannabis plants. All their products are made specially for growing cannabis. Some dutch people designed these canna products in amsterdam so i'm sure they know their shit. Would you happen to have a hydroponics store near by? If you do you should ask them if they carry Canna products. You don't have too but i'm just letting you know there's good shit out there.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :joint::joint:
OR DUDETTE.....shit......anywho......:blsmoke:

GROW SOME MARIJUANA!!!! :hump::hump:
When you do it right its so much fun!!! :mrgreen:

Canabitch and blackcoupe good shit!

These people will take care of you.

When are you starting these other ones?
And don't think you have to spend a shit load of money to get some smoke either. If you do it correctly the first time you will save so much money......believe me! I found out the hard way.

Lookin forward to the journal!


New Member
yea,, i think i see hairs,, but i think i see nuts too (hermi)... start over.. and do it right this time,, for starters dont put more than one plant per pot,, then they have to compete.... read up and learn to do it right,, the results will be so much better and it will be soo worth it


Active Member
yea we have one here. Didn't know there was soil made especially for growing cannabis. I think I might go with that one (Canna Coco Coir) but if they don't have it, my second choice is FoxFarm I guess cuz evbody raves bout how good it is. Whatever process makes dank smoke, ima doin!! lol


Active Member
LoL @blazin waffles... Ima dudette!! yea cannabitch and coupe really seem to kno their shit. Im not trying to spend too much $ but I'll do what I gotta to get it right. I told my damn bf not to put them together but he said their roots had twisted together and was afraid he would damage the root system. I thought they would prob be alright but he didn't listen to me soo... Big mistake!! I knew they would start competing for nutes, light etc. and they did. It has just all went to hell now. Maybe i can save that shorter one cuz I'm not sure if its male or not. Oh yea, starting to germinate new ones as we type..... grow journal coming soon!!! Least I've found some kick-ass grower tips through this failure and will do it better this next round.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
yea we have one here. Didn't know there was soil made especially for growing cannabis. I think I might go with that one (Canna Coco Coir) but if they don't have it, my second choice is FoxFarm I guess cuz evbody raves bout how good it is. Whatever process makes dank smoke, ima doin!! lol
Sweet! You lucky you gotta dro store by you! I had to settle for lowes and Wally world. :evil:

So lets plan this grow!!!! bongsmilie

How big is your many plants do you wanna many lights do you have/need..........ummmmm......:joint:......after you answer those there will be a bunch more coming so twist up and start typing!!!!!:mrgreen:
