New Grower need advice *Pics included*


Hello everyone, I'm new to growing so I after loads of time research on how to grow weed, I decided to just go here and ask for advice personally, I found this website the most helpful.
I'll attach a few pictures of my grow set up and my babies now and the questions that I want to ask.

My grow room = Wardrobe
Grow lights = 125watt Dual Spectrum CFL.
Strain = Nepalese Dragon from Ministry of Cannabis
Stage = Veg
Age = Today is 4 weeks from the day I put the seeds in soil
Questions = There are questions on the pictures, My main concern is are they healthy looking overall?

#1 Is this pre-flowering? My plants are 4 weeks old, I keep them at a 18/6 light.

#2 Is this nitrogen deficiency?

#3 Nutrients I use:
Vegetative stage

Flowering Stage(I'll use this)

#4 Leaf tips are kinda curling down, why is that?

#5 Other pictures, how do they look overall? :)


Thanks in advance :)
No you are not pre -flower a good sing of pre-flower is the white hairs start to grow and in groups of more than just 2. Nitro def. you could have or it could be over watering. Let the soil dry up some and watch plant reaction. If the yellow fades its the water if not try sprinkling a layer 1/8 inch thick horse manure on top of your soil. The next time you water the nitro will be delivered to your roots greening up everything. Horse crap is a gentile way to help the plants. You should always pH your water to 7. This will allow your plants to consume what they need nute wise. If the tips of the leaves look burnt and not just weak you may have to much nitro. It is fixable by flushing your plants roots with pH 7 water. Your choice of nutes is not advisable. I suggest 50/50 soil mix horse manure / local soil for entire veg. No nutes needed until flower or at least 2 months. That will help eliminate allot of messing with the plants and allow for a more natural healthy grow. Over all for being from seed your plants look great.


Active Member
yeah dude lose the merical grow email some nute places and they will send you enough samples to get you through a small grow


Well-Known Member
burnt leaf tips are usually a sign of nute burn...If you can get away from the MG, extremely hard to regulate.. Don't water until the top 1in or so is dry... When you water make sure you get at least 1/3 run off.. This helps to keep the salts from building up in your soil..
Great choice for seeds, let me know how the dragon does for ya. I've been running their Big Bud xxl, zensationm and carnival.. Excellent results.. The Zensation is a tall 1 though, hit 8ft indoors with being


Well-Known Member
Here's an old pic of my first grow. at this stage I had just transplanted into fresh soil and started feeding slowly so they turned out well.

Let them tell u when they're hungry (not as hungry as mine were tho !!)

I used normal veg and bllom ferts from Hesi and it was very easy.



Allright thanks for the replies guys :) Much appreciated.

How about the picture with the yellow-ish leave spots and the light green tip?


Active Member
Under #2 first and second pic, that looks like heat stress to me. What are your temps?


I don't know, never checked it... Everything that I do is just by my own judgement, I water my plants whenever the soil gets dry, I water with a undefinate ammount of water, I just judge it myself, same with ferts, I use the recomended dosage, 1.15g in 1 litre of water, but I usually use half of the bottle for my pots. Same with temperature I open my wardrobe if it's too warm, i open it up for a some time.