New grower ... Need Help


Active Member
ok i planted 7 seeds about 5 days ago and only one has sprouted but the one that has sprouted and the stem is hooked ... it has two leafs that are facing towards the soild ... it is only two days old though. Is this bad? or is it normal? this is my first grow. How long should i wait before abandoning the other 6 seeds?


Well-Known Member
If there is nothing holding the seedling down it will be up tomorrow.

I would give them a week to ten days, keep them warm at night, like 70 degrees. sometimes lower temps keep seedlings from sprouting.


Well-Known Member
Seeds are weird fuckers. It took almost 2weeka for my seeds to sprout. Be patient & if your indoors have a good light on 'em but not too close they're sensitive don't burn 'em. A fan running thickens them up too. Good luck


Active Member
yes, definitely keep the room warm. young seedlings and clones thrive in warmer conditions.

shake up your feed water or try supplementing with carbonated co2 water to stimulate roots.

edit: healthy seedlings that are receiving the proper type and amount of light will grow straight upwards and foliage development will be prominent, although it isnt unusual for yours to hook.


Active Member
ok well just as an update it didnt move at all grow an inch or anything 6 days today i just touched the leaf and it fell off ... but it never moved it was just like an upside down U and it there was plenty of heat