New grower... Over trimming???


Active Member
600 mh will do much better, and I'm not saying nothing bad btw! Looks great. Just weird for the slower growth. I'm probably just not used to t5s. I use 600, and 1k


600 mh will do much better, and I'm not saying nothing bad btw! Looks great. Just weird for the slower growth. I'm probably just not used to t5s. I use 600, and 1k
Oh no brother I haven't taken anything in a bad way. As a matter of fact, I think you helped with the temp thing. The only reason they're under the 600 now is because I ran out of room where I initially setup the t5. So I threw them all in the tent in setup for flower. Luckily I was able to do that since nothing is flowering yet.

Unfortunately though, they'll have to go back under the t5 once some are ready for flower. I can't setup MH where the t5's ate currently due to possible heat issues.


Active Member
I heat my room (121"x91") with a 30$ radiator heater. They sell em at WalMart, wont burn nothing down lol. Would be a good investment.


Active Member
and its a radiant heat, not a forced heat that could cause confusion with your plants
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Active Member
Your temps are fine, dont bother with a heater.. Throw that ish in flower and quit messin wit her.. Good luck!
hey man did you read every thread? He said it gets to 80 then about 60. That's not "fine" its not bad he's a first time grower, we all had our problems, fuck I had hundreds of problems, I still do. Always will, a twenty degree shift in temperature is technically not "fine" vegging its not so bad, but flower thing things will stretch like you wouldn't believe, hey baba. My neighbor has an 18 degree shift in temp at night, I could take a pic and show you what it does it you'd like? Your plants will still produce bud and everything, but just not to its potential, I'm just trying to help him in the most correct way I know, not by saying its fine. Cause you can't give someone false information


Well-Known Member
hey man did you read every thread? He said it gets to 80 then about 60. That's not "fine" its not bad he's a first time grower, we all had our problems, fuck I had hundreds of problems, I still do. Always will, a twenty degree shift in temperature is technically not "fine" vegging its not so bad, but flower thing things will stretch like you wouldn't believe, hey baba. My neighbor has an 18 degree shift in temp at night, I could take a pic and show you what it does it you'd like? Your plants will still produce bud and everything, but just not to its potential, I'm just trying to help him in the most correct way I know, not by saying its fine. Cause you can't give someone false information
LOL What do you think the average temps are at the end of summer in cali? a 20 degree shift is perfectly fine and you really shouldn't be telling people otherwise.. I don't need to look at your damn neighbors garden "man" I have one of my own, and a 20 degree drop is nothing for me in the winter.. When I started off I worried about that crap, but I promise it isn't a "18 degree shift in temp at night" that is causing your neighbors problems..
Looks great and healthy. I'd agree with everyone about lowering your light. Get a good, small fan on the light/plant tops to blow that heat away. Go bigger with your fan than you think you need. Rather than snapping with my fingers, I top with freshly cleaned, sharp scissors. From what I read (Cervantes' growers bible) an uneven wound is an open invitation to pests and disease. Also a 20 degree swing in temp is a little much. It could increase the chance of a hermie...I've done it in a small tent that ranged from 60-82 and made a hermie. Now I keep the tent about 65 at night and 75 in the day. My largest plants in this pic are the same age as yours...maybe younger by a little. They are 1.5 ft tall. My smallest plants were planted dec. 1 and are 10 inches just for reference. Obviously all strains are different and grow at different rates. image.jpg


Active Member
LOL What do you think the average temps are at the end of summer in cali? a 20 degree shift is perfectly fine and you really shouldn't be telling people otherwise.. I don't need to look at your damn neighbors garden "man" I have one of my own, and a 20 degree drop is nothing for me in the winter.. When I started off I worried about that crap, but I promise it isn't a "18 degree shift in temp at night" that is causing your neighbors problems..
exactly, at the end of summer, its not good just saying, idc what you think. There's actualy a few threads on here stated that what I said is true, so you keep on them 20 temp changes and ill stick to my 6 degree temp change lol. My temps stay right where I want them at all times. Summer/winter doesn't matter


Well-Known Member
exactly, at the end of summer, its not good just saying, idc what you think. There's actualy a few threads on here stated that what I said is true, so you keep on them 20 temp changes and ill stick to my 6 degree temp change lol. My temps stay right where I want them at all times. Summer/winter doesn't matter
And there are more than a few threads that say it doesn't matter. You're telling on yourself and how little you actually know.. When the hell do you think the plants flower outside smart guy?? "at the end of summer." So take this know it all shit somewhere else player..


Active Member
lol this guys a joke, sayin I don't know what I'm doing? Maybe I've been growing for five years only, but a couple thousand into my grow room and 1.8 lbs per 1k light says I know what I'm doing, oh and btw, I just found three sites with a novel of writing stating WHAT I said is true, yes like they say temps do swing outside in summer, but the thing about growing indoors is to be CONTROLLED, meaning not swing temps, hell do you even know when your using co2 yournsuppose to try to have the smallest temp change as possible at night? Like I said keep saying I'm wrong but like I said there's tons of threads on here stating your wrong. Plus I found three website I can send you the URL so you can gain some knowledge? Lol keep saying idk what I'm doing, cause i do. I do have problems, who doesn't, but my swinging heat temps aren't one of them. And for you to tell him to throw the girl in flowering, why? Did you not read that he has that vegging for two months? It looks less than a foot high, something is obviously wrong, I'm trying to help him so he doesn't get a mesly ounce off that plant. Seems like your promoting his small harvest no?


Active Member
and don't say its because he's using t5s I use t5s Fr half of my veg room, ill show u pics of my that been growing for only 22 days bud, so its obvious not the light..


Well-Known Member
You grow with 1ks and you need a heater?? :roll: It would be great if his temps didn't fluctuate so much, but that IS NOT HIS PROBLEM (you see how I can use my caps lock too lol) and certainly isn't worth getting a damn heater for.. His plant really doesn't look all that bad imo.. You see that he's training it, right? If he wasn't tying it down it would have been much taller..

OP - You're doing fine, I was simply saying that imo you didn't need a heater.. I was suggesting flowering just so you don't mess around with it too much more before you start budding.. Good luck and I'm out of this thread..


Active Member
I know that he is training, I am training too as my ceilings are only 6 ft. But my hood in my room is well vented and doesn't heat the room up at all in winter so yes, I need a heater in my 60 degree basement.. Once its heated it stays heated till I'm done that cycle. I have an insulated room and everything. And cheery, I'm not saying that IS his problem(notice the caps lol) I'm just saying it better im.sure with better temps, and they do look really good. It's just small even for training, I train, bend over tops and ill still have a huge bush by 30 days/40 for seed. Was just trying to troubleshoot in the beginning anyways. So cherry we done talkin shit to each other or what ?! Lol


Well-Known Member
T5s are fine. Maybe you did trim a little toooo much? I don't trim like that, just the very lowers once, but you can trim before and during flower. What your doing is almost like lollipopping. Most people do it closer to flower I think, and then again right before, and just leave the tops to grow. Then there is defoliation, where people remove lots of the leaves on all levels of the plant during flower a couple times to make energy go towards the buds, let light in, ect. You probably know what those are. Some people are against both and say the leaves make roots and are the powerhouses of the plant and say they get fat buds on the bottom without defoliating, .. lollipopping ect. Idk. Temps are okay, same as mine, my plants are a bit bigger at 6 weeks is all but I haven't trained yet. Lots say 75 degrees stable will grow faster, bigger, which is probably true, idk about that either I'm also on my first grow.

It's your first grow, like me, we will have a giant bush next time. You can probably throw that baby into flower any time. Let her do her thing. Get buds. :)


Active Member
T5s are fine. Maybe you did trim a little toooo much? I don't trim like that, just the very lowers once, but you can trim before and during flower. What your doing is almost like lollipopping. Most people do it closer to flower I think, and then again right before, and just leave the tops to grow. Then there is defoliation, where people remove lots of the leaves on all levels of the plant during flower a couple times to make energy go towards the buds, let light in, ect. You probably know what those are. Some people are against both and say the leaves make roots and are the powerhouses of the plant and say they get fat buds on the bottom without defoliating, .. lollipopping ect. Idk. Temps are okay, same as mine, my plants are a bit bigger at 6 weeks is all but I haven't trained yet. Lots say 75 degrees stable will grow faster, bigger, which is probably true, idk about that either I'm also on my first grow.

It's your first grow, like me, we will have a giant bush next time. You can probably throw that baby into flower any time. Let her do her thing. Get buds. :)
yep that's the thing, its your guys first grow, it only gets better n better... N better, happy growing!