New Grower


So it's my first indoor grow and I'm doing a mostly indica strain LA Woman from DNA Genetics. So I have 2 150W CFLs and a 13W LED Red/Blue(3/1) light.....thingie. I'm just a week away from my 2nd month and the plant hasn't gotten bigger than 2 and a half inches. It's starting on it's second set of 5 leaf, true leaves and looks quite sexy. I've had it on an 18/6 light cycle and I'm not enjoying my power bill. :-( So here's my questions:
1. Ball park... When should I flower ? (earliest)
2. I'm using coffee grounds for N. What do I use for P and K ?
(bananas and ???)


Well-Known Member
So you have 150 watt CFL's , real 150watts? Are those CFl's about 1 foot long, not the curly q types either? Or are they the curly q type and are about 6 inches long?