New Grower


Active Member
Hey everyone
This is my first time growing. I have seven different plants, twp different strains, in a closet covered with mylar and using an 430w HPS. I'm going to try and attach some pictures but I would say they're about 6 inches. At what height should I be flowering. I may have to move soon so best yield may not be possible....How much more will they grow once I start. Also, there's one on the left which has greener/droopier this normal? Any suggestions would be great! Apparently I'm having trouble putting pictures on..The format is too large

jay cas

Well-Known Member
dark green and droopy is n overdose typically. flush the plant and it should perk up in a day. if your on a tight time schedule, start the 12/12 now. you may loose some yeild but you said your fine with that