New growroom please check out..thanks!!


Well-Known Member
hi, there everyone.. i just built this new grow box.. its 4ft long, 2 1/2 ft wide and 6ft tall..i have 2 six inch duct fans at each side one at the top and one at the bottom.. the bottom sucks in the top blows out..i also have a 400w hps light and also i have a humidifier in there to keep my humidity at 45-50%..and also my temps stay a stedy 76 degrees ferinheight... also i am using all advanced nutrients organic supplements..iguana juice grow and iquana juice bloom and some ph plants are 7 weeks old and i bit small due to stating out cheap with no ventilation and also overwatering and other little things a first timer would do i water every 5 days or so and every second time i running my light at 12/12 and i have mylar on my walls..not yet on sides but will be soon..if there is anything else you think would be good please let me know..but for now this is my new grow room..thanks alot, hope to get some replys!!.



Well-Known Member
WOW..still no replys..please let me know what yah think..if you think i need improvments please let me know..thanks alot hope to here from someone..


Well-Known Member
why wont anyone reply to me??..i thought this site was for people to get help and information on growing..if you ask me this site sucks shit right now!!


Well-Known Member
As you knew - overwatering problems. Maybe some nute problems too. Also, is your room light proof? it doesnt look like it. If it isnt it will lead to possible hermies or poor flower production bro.


Well-Known Member
yah yah ill chill..umm well it is like 95% light proof..the thing is that if i totoally block off my duct fans they wont work it stays pretty dark like even closer to like 99% dark man like..when the moon is out it gets way brighter than in my box..and yah will my plants eventually snap out of the over watering..the last time i waterd was like 6 days ago now and the top of the soil is nice and dry so will it eventually get now that i havnt water in a while it seems like my 2 girls really are starting to grow faster..and thank you so much for your guys help this makes me feel much better after spending like 2 days on building this box..i just hope the in the summer time my box will stay cool enough with my induct fan and outduct fan and also i have a fan inside to keep a breeze on the if you know of someway to get my box 110% light proof please let me know thanks alot!! :)


Well-Known Member
your a funny one eh, maybe you should do some helpin less funy shit goof
Maybe you should wait longer than 7 hours for a post?

No offense man, we're all here to help and contribute, but you've got a handful of posts and the least active threads don't stay on the front page, therefore people mostly miss it off the first 1-2 pages.

Just keep updating and being positive, being negative and shitting on the site isn't going to help. :)

Great setup by the way though, how did you get your mylar so straight? Mine always crinkles and reflects light all fucked up, doesn't look like a mirror like yours. :clap:

How have your plants been reacting to easing up on watering? I think I've got the same problem as you, so I'll give them some time to dry out and bounce back :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should wait longer than 7 hours for a post?

No offense man, we're all here to help and contribute, but you've got a handful of posts and the least active threads don't stay on the front page, therefore people mostly miss it off the first 1-2 pages.

Just keep updating and being positive, being negative and shitting on the site isn't going to help. :)

Great setup by the way though, how did you get your mylar so straight? Mine always crinkles and reflects light all fucked up, doesn't look like a mirror like yours. :clap:

How have your plants been reacting to easing up on watering? I think I've got the same problem as you, so I'll give them some time to dry out and bounce back :bigjoint:

very sorry for the rude comments i have been making!! very very sorry mates!..i hope some one will still reply to me..and yah about the mylar i just carfully cut out the right size peice to fit into the wall and i carefully picked it up and taped it to the wall and pulled the sides tight so there was no rinkles then taped it tight..i found it wasnt to rinkly for me it worked awesome..and yah it deffinetly helps to water ur plants less..i waterd today but the last time i waterd was 7 days ago and wow what a difference they grow much nicer and faster!! try it out man it works! what do you think of my growbox and do you think it will stay cool enought in the summer??..i just resently ran a 6inch diameter aluminum tubing from the duct fan at the bottom that sucks in and i bent it up so it goes to the window and sucks in the nice frsh cool air..i have 2 more big bang seeds and 2 AMS fem seeds both feminized from greenhouse this is why i hope it stays cool enought for me to grow in the summer in my box.. right now with the window open a little crack it stays at 77degress ferinhieght..i also have a fan in the indise to blow the plants around too..i am using a 400w hps so it will get pretty hot i imagine..i will take some pics to show my final touch ups.. mostly just the tube running to the window..but if there is anything else you want to know about it or if im doing something wrong or could add something to make it better please please let me know..and again i am very truely sorry for the comments i have been making!!:roll:..hope you will forgive me..thanks so much cant wait to here from someone!!:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
very sorry for the rude comments i have been making!! very very sorry mates!..i hope some one will still reply to me..and yah about the mylar i just carfully cut out the right size peice to fit into the wall and i carefully picked it up and taped it to the wall and pulled the sides tight so there was no rinkles then taped it tight..i found it wasnt to rinkly for me it worked awesome..and yah it deffinetly helps to water ur plants less..i waterd today but the last time i waterd was 7 days ago and wow what a difference they grow much nicer and faster!! try it out man it works! what do you think of my growbox and do you think it will stay cool enought in the summer??..i just resently ran a 6inch diameter aluminum tubing from the duct fan at the bottom that sucks in and i bent it up so it goes to the window and sucks in the nice frsh cool air..i have 2 more big bang seeds and 2 AMS fem seeds both feminized from greenhouse this is why i hope it stays cool enought for me to grow in the summer in my box.. right now with the window open a little crack it stays at 77degress ferinhieght..i also have a fan in the indise to blow the plants around too..i am using a 400w hps so it will get pretty hot i imagine..i will take some pics to show my final touch ups.. mostly just the tube running to the window..but if there is anything else you want to know about it or if im doing something wrong or could add something to make it better please please let me know..and again i am very truely sorry for the comments i have been making!!:roll:..hope you will forgive me..thanks so much cant wait to here from someone!!:mrgreen:

your plants need help


Well-Known Member
what did u call me a clown? yah i realize this..i have tried everything..but i guess u have any reason behind this or why are my plants needing help??


Active Member
I've been growing for 3 weeks now indoors hoping to grow outdoors i was just wondering if im doing ok... Basically i have my lights on 24/7 going to change to 18/6 soon then 12/12 when i think im ready maybe i should do 12/12 now im not sure though this is my first grow so can anyone help i have pictures posted in my profile and i want to try and post them on here too thanks


Well-Known Member
very sorry for the rude comments i have been making!! very very sorry mates!..i hope some one will still reply to me..and yah about the mylar i just carfully cut out the right size peice to fit into the wall and i carefully picked it up and taped it to the wall and pulled the sides tight so there was no rinkles then taped it tight..i found it wasnt to rinkly for me it worked awesome..and yah it deffinetly helps to water ur plants less..i waterd today but the last time i waterd was 7 days ago and wow what a difference they grow much nicer and faster!! try it out man it works! what do you think of my growbox and do you think it will stay cool enought in the summer??..i just resently ran a 6inch diameter aluminum tubing from the duct fan at the bottom that sucks in and i bent it up so it goes to the window and sucks in the nice frsh cool air..i have 2 more big bang seeds and 2 AMS fem seeds both feminized from greenhouse this is why i hope it stays cool enought for me to grow in the summer in my box.. right now with the window open a little crack it stays at 77degress ferinhieght..i also have a fan in the indise to blow the plants around too..i am using a 400w hps so it will get pretty hot i imagine..i will take some pics to show my final touch ups.. mostly just the tube running to the window..but if there is anything else you want to know about it or if im doing something wrong or could add something to make it better please please let me know..and again i am very truely sorry for the comments i have been making!!:roll:..hope you will forgive me..thanks so much cant wait to here from someone!!:mrgreen:
haha it's cool man :)

yea from what I've been told, curled under leaves mean they're getting TOO much of something (water or fertilizer) and curled over means they're not getting enough.

Both can mean heat stress also.


Well-Known Member
no jtoker, go 18/6 for a bit before you put them outside they will get the 12/12 outside but besides that your plants are looking pretty nice what do you think of my grow box jtoker?? hope too see your plants in the future!