New growth leaves curling down, need help plz (pics available)


Active Member
look. I was having a similar problem. This is what excess moisture... whether its in the form of over watering, excess humidity, picky plant, whatever... looks like:

I pointed a fan directly at the plant (on low). It was healed in hours. I made a thread when I was having the problem... Check it out:

Here's what it looked like a few hours after the fan was blowing on it:


Active Member
and this is what too much nitrogen looks like... this is "the claw" (the curled leaves on top):

Notice the dark green color and the way the leaves look... A defined hook.

Your leaves are showing the wimpy waviness of overwatering, temps to low, humidity to high, air too stale... those types of things.

Again... turn a fan on, get some fresh air in there, keep your temps at least 65f, don't overwater, keep feeding nutrients (of course don't overdo it)... You should notice things improving.
I'm not 100% convince that it's over watering because when I watered the girls the leaves was drooping and the pot was light.

I just put the duct fan on a timer so my temp at night should be above 60 deg. F. Before it was really cold at night, def. below 60 deg. F, maybe even below 50 deg. F. This has been going on since I started this grow back in 10/25/12. I can only recall noticing this problem maybe a week ago, I'm not really for sure tho.

I am going to put updated pics soon. I just added a thermometer that reads the high and low of the day so ill have those #s for you guys too. Hopefully it is just the cold night that is causing the problem and not a over watering/fertilization. I put the fan on a timer yesterday (11/01/12) and today (11/02) most of my headbands are looking a little bit better.

***Note: My special kush and critical plus are doing great, my headbands are the ones I'm experiencing this problem with. Maybe the headbands are more sensitive?


Active Member
Again, I would swear on anything holey, that you have an excess moisture issue (which doesn't always mean overwatering). And again, I would swear that if you turned a fan on, let your plants dry out before watering again, and kept the room above 65f, everything would improve.

I'm growing a sour kush/headband... its totally fine.
Oh ok MBP. I've always kept the fan on them because i figured that's how to get strong stalks. But i didn't kno that excess moisture doesn't always mean over watering. Maybe the cold temp. at nights didn't help the plant release moisture.

I got some updated pics:


View attachment 2396428


View attachment 2396430
**The after pic is less than 48hrs later. I've watered this one with Ionic Grow (50% Strength) on (11/01(.

The temp from yesterday (11/02): High 82 deg. F & Low 70 deg. F


Here's a pic of my Headband #7, it haven't picked up noticeable yet. Hopefully it will!
View attachment 2396439
**I don't have a good before photo of my Headband #7, but i'll post an updated pic of this one later. Also i haven't watered
this one yet, it's in a big air pot so i'm just waiting for it to dry up some more.


This one is of my Special Kush, it didn't seem to have any problems for some reason, maybe it isn't as sensitive.

View attachment 2396448
**I've been using the same amount of nutrients/amount of water/etc for the the Special Kushs and Headbands.


Here's a pic of my Ozone:
View attachment 2396449View attachment 2396450
I don't have a before pic unfortunately, but i'll get an updated pic soon. But these were just as bad as the Headband #7,
but they seem to be gettin noticeable better.
yeah im going to check my runoff ph of my soil on my next water n' i'll let u guys kno what it is.



Active Member
Maybe the cold temp. at nights didn't help the plant release moisture.
Exactly. There are a number of things that can slow down or stop evapotranspiration. When evapotranspiration slows or stops, you get what you've shown... and what I've shown.