New growth on buds??!? Advice Needed!

I switched to 12/12 on 7/20/11. Buds are leafy. Mostly all white hairs still. The 3rd picture is the top of my main cola, is it revegging? IDK I'm new to this still so any input would be appreciated.


Active Member
Buds have leaves growing out of them. All looks fine to me. As long as you are on 12/12 with no light leaking in at night they will flower.


Active Member
So if you have been flowering for 3 months.... there has to be light leaking in at night of some sort, I don't know of any strains that flower longer than 12 weeks.
So should I keep her going, or just chop? I mean there isnt any amber trichs yet, but considering its taking so long idk if im just waiting for nothing...


Well-Known Member
I have two SSH going on 13 weeks but yours look a long ways from harvest. Too much nutes also. Hard to believe that been flowering for 12 weeks
my basement flooded and i had to move her to a seperate (non grow room) for a fews days, so the lighting was a little screwed up. You think that could have slowed her down a bit??


Active Member
absolutely could have. DO NOT CHOP NOW! Keep flowering shouldn't take more than 3 more weeks on 12/12