
New Member
These i got a plant from a friend then put it in veg for 3 weeks cut clones off,then revegged it,then took these clones! The strain is Wifi! Can it be from using tap water? I just seen it says, it can cause dropyness and brown tiny dead spots on leaves! Says if i use tap, pour warm water into bucket and let it sit for 20 min,so the chlorine can evaporate!! Any answers,tips,tricks,or ideas??? Thanks


Well-Known Member
Depends on your tap water quality. At the very least you should check the ppm straight from the tap. Also, some places use chloramine instead of chlorine and chloramine won't evaporate.

Kevin Pickford

Well-Known Member
These i got a plant from a friend then put it in veg for 3 weeks cut clones off,then revegged it,then took these clones! The strain is Wifi! Can it be from using tap water? I just seen it says, it can cause dropyness and brown tiny dead spots on leaves! Says if i use tap, pour warm water into bucket and let it sit for 20 min,so the chlorine can evaporate!! Any answers,tips,tricks,or ideas??? Thanks
24hrs and here's a tip.. Trick...
I think with tap.. Add nutes,cal mag, sweeteners whatever... Shake the shit out my 5 gallon air pump feeder.. Get my ph dialed down to what I want.. Take lid off.. Let sit 24hrs.. Shake and REMEASURE ph!! Adjust.. Let sit 10min...test and if it holds... Then feed or fill reservoir.


Well-Known Member
You can use tap water depending on the ppm's. Mine is 124ppm. I dechlorinate (let sit for 48hrs) then adjust ph after all the nutes are added.