new growth


Well-Known Member
Hi I have just started my second grow and I wanted to share opinions, critics or whatever you may think about it.
Its just tree plants from my own feminized seeds, I am planing to clone two of them when time comes, thx for watching ! cheers!


Well-Known Member
Looking good man, What dirt you got the in ?

Any plans for nutrients ?

What kinda PH are you running ?




Well-Known Member
so far so good. it's a soil grow so your ph will be around 6.8-7.0. I'm guessing but it is very probable.
don't feed for another couple weeks. but a drench or foliar spray of epsom salts and water helps as cannabis likes more Mg. okee dokee?
and also HG magic green is another great foliar spray.


Well-Known Member
Thx a lot I actually was looking for a way to feed the Mg but....I live in Argentina and there no epsom salts or at least not with that name, can u tell me more about it plse ?


Well-Known Member
It is Magnesium Sulphate, it may not be called Epsom Salts where you are. Its used for stomach upset, cooking and various other things.

Hope that helps :)



Well-Known Member

Thx a lot I ll search for it ! by the way they are looking hot now, one with a few probs but two beautiful healthy, lets hope girls