New here. Need some quick help.


Could somebody please make a list (as cheap as possible) of the things i need to start growing mary jane? I just want a simple setup in my walkin closet. Trying to get the mandatory things first and then the things that will help.

I plan on taking this list and heading out to get what i need. And if you could tell me the stores/sites that would be cool too. :blsmoke:


Active Member
Um light, soil, fan, water. Its a plant not rocket science. If you're wanting to know about nutes and things like that then just read so you know what you're doing. Everything you need to know is on here. Quit being lazy and do a little research


yea thanks for the help... *sarcasm ends*

ive been doin research on the site for about 2 hours now, think im good to go
2 whole hours huh? Sounds like your ready. lol

Seriously, before asking questions like you did, why not read all the sticky's and respect the growers that put all that time and effort into the stickies only to have people come here and say "How do I grow, What do I need". If you read the stickies here and at the other grow forums first, you would still have a few questions when you are done, but you would not come off sounding like a disrespecting new guy that did not read any of the sticky's.

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
setup in my walkin closet
Heat, heat, heat. In an enclosed area like a closet, heat is going to be your biggest problem. Vent to a seperate area and not to the area where your return air (passive intake) comes from.

Oh and Fox Farm FTW.


Well-Known Member
you should do about 2 to 3 months of reserch. Read everything on every site you can. Look at others grow journal/blogs. If you are not willing to have a set up plan first, your first grow will only OKAY, instead of DAMMMM.