New Invention To Help You Monitor Ur grow Site.... it's coming soon.


New Member
Have a grow area nearby, but are worried about trespassers? This may just be the thing for some of you.


Tiny Smart Dew sensors promise low-cost security solution

By David Greig
23:14 March 30, 2009 PDT
Smart Dew security concept

The cost of securing large properties with physical barriers like fences or conventional electronic surveillance systems can be quite prohibitive but a new invention from Tel Aviv University promises to a cheap, effective solution in the form of a network of tiny sensors as small as dewdrops. Called "Smart Dew", the devices can be scattered outdoors on rocks, fence posts and doorways, or even indoors on the floor of a bank to serve as invisible security guards with each individual "dew droplet" capable of detecting an intrusion within a parameter of 50 meters (165 feet).
Prof. Yoram Shapira and his Tel Aviv University Faculty of Engineering team drew upon the space-age science of motes to develop the new security tool. Dozens, hundreds and even thousands of these Smart Dew sensors - each equipped with a controller and RF transmitter/receiver - can also be wirelessly networked to detect different conditions like the the difference between man, animal, car and truck, says Prof. Shapira.
Sounds could be picked up by a miniature microphone or the metal used in the construction of cars and tractors could be detected by a magnetic sensor. Smart Dew droplets could also be programmed to detect temperature changes, carbon monoxide emissions, vibrations or light.
Each droplet sends a radio signal to a "base station" that collects and analyzes the data. Like the signals sent out by cordless phones, RF is a safe, low-power solution, making the technology extremely cost-effective compared to other concepts, says Prof. Shapira."
The Smart Dew system is designed to be utilized on large farms or even the borders of nations where it's difficult, and sometimes impractical, to install fences or constantly patrol them. And at a cost of 25 cents per "droplet," Prof. Shapira says that his solution is the cheapest and the smartest on the market.
A part of the appeal of Smart Dew is its near-invisibility, Prof. Shapira says. "Smart Dew is a covert monitoring system. Because the sensors in the Smart Dew wireless network are so small, you would need bionic vision to notice them. There would be so many tiny droplets over the monitored area that it would be impossible to find each and every one."
David Greig


Active Member
my pops have a camera in a couple places like his thermometer and clocks for expample...its hooked to his computer and his grow systems to water or anything from anywhere with his laptop


Well-Known Member
Like the signals sent out by cordless phones, RF is a safe, low-power solution, making the technology extremely cost-effective compared to other concepts, says Prof. Shapira."
A part of the appeal of Smart Dew is its near-invisibility, Prof. Shapira says. "Smart Dew is a covert monitoring system. Because the sensors in the Smart Dew wireless network are so small, you would need bionic vision to notice them. There would be so many tiny droplets over the monitored area that it would be impossible to find each and every one."
David Greig

Sorry but this is a weak system on many counts. The engineers and scientists I work with already talked about the downfalls of this 'affordable' system.

Firstly, RF energy is NOT 'invisible' or undetectable. Any good RF sweeper tool can detect the presence of RF energy. Security experts routinely 'sweep' government buildings and other 'secure' locations to make sure hostile forces have not deployed micro transmitters (bugs) such as the ones in this article.

Secondly the power to run such small technology has a cost, decreased range and battery life. Do you think that 'smart drops' are really rechargeable? Nope. Use and throw away, WASTE.

And due to the non-hardened package, they are easily killed with directional EMP tools. You can kill all microcircuits within any gievn area now by using small controlled EMP discharge weapons. (yes they exist and we have them)
.25 cents piece? Big deal...I will spend more on a hardened system that has far more benefits/features and is not throw away.


New Member
Sorry but this is a weak system on many counts. The engineers and scientists I work with already talked about the downfalls of this 'affordable' system.

Firstly, RF energy is NOT 'invisible' or undetectable. Any good RF sweeper tool can detect the presence of RF energy. Security experts routinely 'sweep' government buildings and other 'secure' locations to make sure hostile forces have not deployed micro transmitters (bugs) such as the ones in this article.

Secondly the power to run such small technology has a cost, decreased range and battery life. Do you think that 'smart drops' are really rechargeable? Nope. Use and throw away, WASTE.

And due to the non-hardened package, they are easily killed with directional EMP tools. You can kill all microcircuits within any gievn area now by using small controlled EMP discharge weapons. (yes they exist and we have them)
.25 cents piece? Big deal...I will spend more on a hardened system that has far more benefits/features and is not throw away.

That's nice, how many weed thiefs are sweeping grow areas for bugs? :lol:


Well-Known Member
if they can do all that with them im sure they can make them sense temperature and humidity changes and sense light i don't know about you but i would like to be able to monitor the temperature and humidity, and also know if my lights are on when there supposed to be and if your really worried about the feds picking up the signal line your grow room walls with brass screen it breaks up RF signals hasn't anyone else seen enemy of the state lol? you could have a comp in the room collecting data and be able to access it remotely and securely from an outside source how fucking sweet is that?


New Member
Probably none. But the RF signature of that system will make it easier for the FEDs to find your grow. Might as well put up a big neon sign. ;) Talk about epic fail.:-P
I have the same response to that as before. That never happens. These things are tiny and have a tiny sig. They'd have to be up on you by that point, so they would see the weed before they detected bugs.

CJ i'd rep you for bringing this up but apparently I've repped you recently, I love new tech where can you get them btw?
No worries there .... So I'll tell you what.... I'll +rep you! :wink:

These things are not available ...yet, but soon.


Active Member
They'll just shoot ur dogs. never send a dog out to do a mans job... :wink: Ur the leader of the pack, not them.
you aint seen my dogs, i swear my wife made them from her DNA, and gave them her temper right nasty little bitches they are, infact get a woman to gaurd ur plants when its her time of month, dam i wouldnt steal em, lol


New Member
Ever see a bullet? :lol: They're not big, but awfully fast.

I've got large dogs as well, but if you ever cross me, you will hear them, but it is I you will meet in the end, not them.

They are my alarm system ... I am the hammer.
I'd rather put a couple anti personnel mines down.
LOL :fire:

Ok so say the feds come into my grow area and i see em on my "dew drop." Obviously that didnt help deter them, and not only that but couldn't they get ahold of the signal to find out where you're monitoring from?

and then they'd send heat seaking missiles, baracudas, etc... heh


robert 14617

Well-Known Member
i just don't see a couple teen age pot heads coming into my grow steeling bud using a EMP device....thats just me


New Member
LOL :fire:

Ok so say the feds come into my grow area and i see em on my "dew drop." Obviously that didnt help deter them, and not only that but couldn't they get ahold of the signal to find out where you're monitoring from?

and then they'd send heat seaking missiles, baracudas, etc... heh


It's not a deterrent system, it's an alarm system. It will give you the option of knowing a bit ahead of time, whether to use ur fight or flight response. If it's a thief, then it's a fight. If it's like some paranoid posters... SWAT teams coming in with electronics and armed attack robot dogs... flight! :lol:

i just don't see a couple teen age pot heads coming into my grow steeling bud using a EMP device....thats just me
You'll need to go to aisle 5 and pick up a good heaping of paranoia for that line of thinking. :lol: