New Jersey,nevada,hawaii,kentucky, And Florida. Read!!!!!!


New Member
ok no need to be an ass i never said i was voting Hilary but to vote for someone that says he want to make drugs legal is stuped i wont happen so bash me all you want because talking shit over the computer is retarded. and do you realy thing this guy will have the power to make drugs legal by himself come on wake up


Well-Known Member
ok no need to be an ass i never said i was voting Hilary but to vote for someone that says he want to make drugs legal is stuped it wont happen so bash me all you want because talking shit over the computer is retarded. and do you realy thing this guy will have the power to make drugs legal by himself come on wake up
Ron Paul would have the power as president to stop the Federal Laws from being enforced- that would give the states the freedom to legalize if they choose. Now lets remember, in Nevada and Alaska it was 44% for legalization for recreational use... with Ron Paul as president it is VERY likely to see states start legalizing opposed to other candidates...


Well-Known Member
We don't need things to be Federally funded to get done.. look around. Alot of the good you find is from groups of citizens- not federal government funding. I'm not against all government regulation and control, but I am against the FEDERAL Government doing as much as they do, when America was founded it was built the way it was so that each state could govern how their people wanted- but now, we have the Federal Government telling state governments that they control everything (i.e. the medical dispensary raids in California) THAT I STAND AGAINST. Too much power in the federal government...:evil:
So true...Your tight HnSM. Sexy and smart, I love it!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so vote for him i dont care if weed becomes legal good for everyone im not here to fight with people because i dont care back to growing weed for me. time will tell. and when your kids are smoking crack you can say i helped make that happen.


Well-Known Member
ok no need to be an ass i never said i was voting Hilary but to vote for someone that says he want to make drugs legal is stuped it wont happen so bash me all you want because talking shit over the computer is retarded. and do you realy thing this guy will have the power to make drugs legal by himself come on wake up
Sorry not trying to be an ass. But, come on, wake up dude. This isn't about making drugs legal. It's about stopping the war on drugs. We spend 50 billion dollars a year for a system that only capture less than 10% of the drugs. Does that sound like a good investment to you? And we all know it doesn't deter people from using drugs. It just causes them to get locked up and they have to let a rapist go to make room for addict. It's rediculous. And it's the 21st century form of slavery. Have you ever asked yourself why 75% of the people arrested for drugs are black when the majority of drug users are white? We don't need a war on drugs, we could spend the money on rehabilitation instead and make way more progress.


New Member
this war is fucked up and bush should be tried for war crimes...that said...we fucked these peoples country up for no reason and how do we pull everyone out at once? I do not think mr. peabody's wayback machine will work on this one. In the early 1900s the British invaded what is now Iraq and kicked their ass and appointed a foreign king. everytime the British would try to leave the Iraqi people would kick their ass, if WWI had not come along the british may have never left. My point do you pull everyone out at once...somebody will have to be the last soldier...


Well-Known Member
so vote for him i dont care if weed becomes legal good for everyone im not here to fight with people because i dont care back to growing weed for me. time will tell. and when your kids are smoking crack you can say i helped make that happen.
No one here is trying to fight...:blsmoke: gl with your babies..


Well-Known Member
and when your kids are smoking crack you can say i helped make that happen.
The illegality of a substance causes a higher demand for it. Proven fact. If it was legal there would be less people doing it. Read my above post and tell me if you still think we should have a war on drugs.


Well-Known Member
thanks im not trying to get anyone mad i dont like anyone thats running to tell the truth. im just being real if he does all that he says he can do awsome but im 27 and heard a lot of people make promises that they dident keep. if the war on drugs ended that would be awsome i just dont think it will happen anytime soon.


Well-Known Member
The illegality of a substance causes a higher demand for it. Proven fact. If it was legal there would be less people doing it. Read my above post and tell me if you still think we should have a war on drugs.
All you have to do is point to the Netherlands, marijuana is legal- less % of usage there...

Here it's illegal.. you get the idea..


New Member
The illegality of a substance causes a higher demand for it. Proven fact. If it was legal there would be less people doing it. Read my above post and tell me if you still think we should have a war on drugs.
the war on drugs is fucked up...but RP wants no fed gov, he wants everything handled on a state level and we know that will not work. If a person does a crime in one state and then flees to another state and that state says you can not come in my state and get that guy. That is where the feds come in...


Well-Known Member
the war on drugs is fucked up...but RP wants no fed gov, he wants everything handled on a state level and we know that will not work. If a person does a crime in one state and then flees to another state and that state says you can not come in my state and get that guy. That is where the feds come in...
That's what I want to happen. I would love it:mrgreen:. Sure there would be some drawbacks but the good would outweigh the bad tenfold.


Well-Known Member
there are 10000 of drunks and thats legal people are going to do what thay are going to do. if its legal or not it will just make it easyer to get


Well-Known Member
the war on drugs is fucked up...but RP wants no fed gov, he wants everything handled on a state level and we know that will not work. If a person does a crime in one state and then flees to another state and that state says you can not come in my state and get that guy. That is where the feds come in...
Ooohhh commee onnnn. You think if a murderer fled to another state they wouldn't hand them over? LOL.. um...they do it now, usually if it's a misdemeanor they won't bother.. but yeah, they'll send you back to where you're wanted...... now we need the feds to be a transportation service? LOL..


Well-Known Member
you all have good points and im not closed minded at all i am reading what you guys are saying and learning alot so thanks for the info.


Well-Known Member
there are 10000 of drunks and thats legal people are going to do what thay are going to do. if its legal or not it will just make it easyer to get
Not true. It's easier to get if it's illegal. If it's legal it can be regulated and an age limit can be imposed. Any 10 year old knows where to buy weed. Dealers will sell to anyone, they would sell a rock to a 5 year old for some quick cash. Legalization would solve this problem.