New journal, old grow

the peach

So. My first entry.

My plants are 6 weeks into 12/12 flowering, and are mixed varieties. They are clones from a friend. I have nutes and seaweed that use with watering. I have a 1000w hps on now, but the electric ballast is only set at 500. For heat issues. I have a inline fan thing, but its way loud. If someone could help me silence the thing without an extention, that would be great.

If I missed something let me know and I'll get back to you.

One question I have. I have some plants that are starting to yellow on the top fan leaves. I know its not lack of nutes. Is that normal with flowering?

the peach

IMAG0327.jpg One side of my grow. Theres one xlone in the corner that was really small when I flipped. now it stretched. only cause I didn't have another area... IMAG0331.jpgOther side. Has my only 2 untopped and un lst'd plants IMAG0332.jpgThe top of my master kush. lst'd the hell out of it. IMAG0330.jpg Lower shot of the first photo. IMAG0328.jpg The yellowing problem im having. I don't think its nutes cause everyone is getting the same now.1.5g #2 and 5 ml seaweed per 4.5L bottles IMAG0329.jpgMore yellowing....

the peach

So I have been monitoring that yellowing and I think it was caused by the light, heat and dryness.

Unless someone thinks its something different.

the peach

Ok. So I have entered my 8th week of flowering and am almost ready to harvest a few of my plants(though im thinking of waiting till everyones ready. no place to put the harvested bud that's dark.)

PLEASE! Comment and give advice/suggestion to improve


the peach


Can anyone comment on this pic??

Is it ready? I wanna chop this girl down.

And please, if you view it, leave your opinion. I get the feeling that if your not in the RIU circle of friends, no one helps you...


Well-Known Member
LOOKS beautiful bro. Nice plants but yeah do what your green thumb tells ya man. If you think you should harvest then DO IT. if you feel she needs time DO IT. your the grower but IMHO leave her just one more week and harvest. but like I said all up to you bro