New Law?

So many new rules and regulations - one does not know what to believe - times they are a changing
Just watched Fl. hearings on Charlotts Web. Looks like the mmj. program is headed towards being a cluster fiasco. Administrators are saying program is adversarial to getting cdb oil to patients from the get go,Hurrying to get things done or facing another year delay.Building in HUGE costs (like odor free in the middle of the boonies). All in the hands of a few people ( 1 warehouse to turn out 10,000,000 plants every 3 months ). Severe lack of dispensaries. etc. etc.. Sheriffs dead set against.Some say 41,000,000 sq.ft. of green house needed,for 5 operators (WOW). FL. could push Wash.St. for poster space on how not to do this.Film at 6.
Just watched Fl. hearings on Charlotts Web. Looks like the mmj. program is headed towards being a cluster fiasco. Administrators are saying program is adversarial to getting cdb oil to patients from the get go,Hurrying to get things done or facing another year delay.Building in HUGE costs (like odor free in the middle of the boonies). All in the hands of a few people ( 1 warehouse to turn out 10,000,000 plants every 3 months ). Severe lack of dispensaries. etc. etc.. Sheriffs dead set against.Some say 41,000,000 sq.ft. of green house needed,for 5 operators (WOW). FL. could push Wash.St. for poster space on how not to do this.Film at 6.
Guess "Time" is the answer - what we need is big money behind the Medical Marijuana/Recational Use. Going have to be done simmular to alcohol probition (big money behind it Like the Kennedy's, and other top wealthy people , whom became very rich running alcohol from Canada) Maybe when the baby boomers get in congress, ect the laws will change

there's a bill I could get behind. Finally, someone using a play on the word "pot" to do something other than make fun of people who prefer a milder and more sophisticated choice.
Guess "Time" is the answer - what we need is big money behind the Medical Marijuana/Recational Use. Going have to be done simmular to alcohol probition (big money behind it Like the Kennedy's, and other top wealthy people , whom became very rich running alcohol from Canada) Maybe when the baby boomers get in congress, ect the laws will change
You are putting me on, I hope? Here is a bit of history that has been suppressed..... Can't imagine why??? The Kennedy's were rich before prohab.. because of what was politely called the China Trade ( the opium biz.).Many prom. people from US. and world involved). When prohab. came around bootlegging was was a step up for those involved in narcotics dist.. Respectability was bought. Rest is history.
A MM oil that just treats pain and doesn't get the person buzzed might be the drug many are looking for. One can always toke up if they wanna also get buzzed.
A MM oil that just treats pain and doesn't get the person buzzed might be the drug many are looking for. One can always toke up if they wanna also get buzzed.
not to mention the help to Crohn's symptoms for people who want relief without getting "high".
I hurt my back at work last may.. got a scan and found out i have a degenerative back disease.. they told me no pain meds because i had a med card but i was out of work without pay obviously i could not afford dispensary prices.. they're official statement was that because i had a mmj card my situation was "too complicated" and recommended me a pain clinic but upon giving me the piece of paper told me that nobody was going to give me pain or anxiety medication, which i made no mention of. that was may folks...
since then i have been growing my own and now the government gets 0% of my money because im on medi-cal and have no reported income.
they treated me like i was seeking oxy's, an addict, and now i can barely walk without the help of some sturdy afghan and need a single specific strain that i sourced from another country to sleep. but now im financially solvent and dont have to feel like an idiot waiting outside a dispensary or going to a doctor.
grow your own, you make hash as strong as morphine for pain. and i know indica's and cbd rich strains help with opiate withdrawals because i am constantly giving mine away for free to people who in similar situations (but were oxycontin addicts, my town is riddled with that and meth)...
Oh and i know its been said before but CANADA.. dont let it become CANADA. I will leave like I did there and go back to Uk lol.

Edit: i don't think the government realizes that opiates and benzodiapines (most common self-medication for a real opiate addict) are flowing in from east europe and central america like never seen before.
everytime i go to san francisco the place is littered with people buying and seeking xanax and oxycontin on the street. i have known people who used these and took a picture, used google and bam they are all coming from Dava pharmaceuticals in CENTRAL AMERICA...
you can use google and find euro nation sites selling all this crap through the mail still to americans.
believe me im in no way upset i dont have some narcotics, lol. just saying it is painful and i develop a tolerance to the 3 strains im restricted to growing at a time.. so i understand the desire to be people to get up and clean your house without dabbing your freaking mind away! lol
people will always abuse them so they will clamp narcotics down but medical marijauana has to stay medical in california or the state will go to ruins. nobody in nor cal is going to the store like in washington. you get rid of the clubs too and dont let the people grow their own and all there is is the black market. and mexican xanax. ughhhhh disgusting.
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fuck laws there are no rules in life this is so stupid i just want to be free theyre making up fake stupid rules and the people making them dont even follow them and just expect you to follow them. theres just these brain washed idiots actually supporting the entire justice system fuck judges to they are brain dead