New leaves at bottom turning brown and/or yellow


Well-Known Member
All my new leaves at bottom of stalk (on all 8 plants) started turning brown and yellow, help!
They are feeding off of themselves due to a lack of nitrogen, it's normal for that to happen in the vegetative stage. What fertilizer are you using/what is in your soil mix?


New Member
I am using Miracle Gro, I mixed the potting soil and vegetable soil Miracle Gro bags in 1-1 ratio in 5 gallon home depot buckets. How do I correct the nitrogen deficiency?

I also have pests chewing the leaves, so I sprayed two of them with Dr Earth vegatable garden (organic) pest killer to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
You should add perlite and/or coconut fiber to your soil for better aeration/drainage. I'm not sure about miracle gro, never used it. Try an all purpose fertilizer like Peters 20-20-20.

Next time you may want to try a soil mix, this is from the book True Living Organics:

1 part organic soil
1 part worm castings
1 part perlite
1 part coconut fiber (coir)

Also look into adding nutrient amendments like greensand, guanos, and kelp.