New LED grower - light recommendation for autoflowers


New Member
Hello, i have a question about which led light to choose.
I have a 3x3 growing area and before i decided to go LED i used a 400w HPS light and got pretty decent results. ( 4 autoflowers)
I decided to go with leds to save energy (electricity expensive here) so can i get any good lights for around 300€ mark.
I got my eyes on these three lights, first one being a stronger one light and others smaller but more pieces for better light coverage but im not sure which will be better because there are alot other factors than just power in watts..
I will have 4 autoflowers inside a 3x3 tent.
Bigger light:

Two smaller lights:

Three even smaller lights:

Thanks for wasting your time to answer my question!
Have a nice day.
How much did you yield using two ts1000? Is it enough light or are you switching to stronger one for this reason? I dont need crazy yields if i get 100gs(dry) every grow it would be enough