New Mars Hydro TSL2000 run

i'm still decidng between mars tsl2000' sp250's or spyder farmer sp2000's but i would say it is not really going to matter. to me all these led smd's on the market rn including the super cheap new ts and sp mars smd's lights are so close in efficacy that it becomes a matter of wattage and then how much more do you want to pay for warranty and build quality because the light is the fucking same. so if i put a 2 tsl2000's in a 3x4 and it's drawing damn near 650 watts combined from the wall and since the lights are 42" long the spread will be nice in the 30-36" wide closets, again given x2 of them. my point is two of those or any of the ones i mentioned are about $500 combined and 500-650 watts of dimmabnle led power at efficacy of 1.65-1.8 and that is estimating low well below what is claimed. these lights in that space are going to give the entire canopy close to 1k ppfd evenly at 12-13" hanging height with reflective walls. so to me when you are talking modern smd like samsung lm301b, bridgelux gen 2, the new epistars mars uses, the photobooths or the diodes electric sky uses etc etc you can pretty much just compare wattage at equal kelvins. maybe the lmh samsung diodes are game changers idk too expensive atm to care, but fdact is efficacy is at its peak and will be here for 5 years or more. it is not going to increase like it did over last 5, it isnt even theoretically possible in fact. so to me it will all flower top notch at 50watts per sqr ft and still be cool heat wise. ther only other thing now that we know the wattage generally enouygh to shoot for with these modern diodes for top shelf i'd say its a mater of your budget and desire for quality and warranty. for example i wouldnt expect any warranty from mars idc what they say. but im about to converet all my space to their lights anyway. why? because i am on a budget plus in the end warranty is not my thing. i think i ever botherd once in 45 years to retyrn something. doesnt mean i never buy brand name but i dont care about warranty. anyway i am rambling now hope that made sense as i am not proof reading it lol
to me the only thing the jury is out on with the new mars lights is will the epistar diodes hold up over 5 years. i think on th esp series they will since it has a meanwell and an overkill heatsink. the tsl and tsw run way hoter and are pushing those epistares harder so risk is higher but the light is well under $1 per watt where the sp250 is $1 per watt, also super good deal. the point is for half to third the price i am rolling my dice on epistars new smd diodes and i am willing to roll those dice
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i'm still decidng between mars tsl2000' sp250's or spyder farmer sp2000's but i would say it is not really going to matter. to me all these led smd's on the market rn including the super cheap new ts and sp mars smd's lights are so close in efficacy that it becomes a matter of wattage and then how much more do you want to pay for warranty and build quality because the light is the fucking same. so if i put a 2 tsl2000's in a 3x4 and it's drawing damn near 650 watts combined from the wall and since the lights are 42" long the spread will be nice in the 30-36" wide closets, again given x2 of them. my point is two of those or any of the ones i mentioned are about $500 combined and 500-650 watts of dimmabnle led power at efficacy of 1.65-1.8 and that is estimating low well below what is claimed. these lights in that space are going to give the entire canopy close to 1k ppfd evenly at 12-13" hanging height with reflective walls. so to me when you are talking modern smd like samsung lm301b, bridgelux gen 2, the new epistars mars uses, the photobooths or the diodes electric sky uses etc etc you can pretty much just compare wattage at equal kelvins. maybe the lmh samsung diodes are game changers idk too expensive atm to care, but fdact is efficacy is at its peak and will be here for 5 years or more. it is not going to increase like it did over last 5, it isnt even theoretically possible in fact. so to me it will all flower top notch at 50watts per sqr ft and still be cool heat wise. ther only other thing now that we know the wattage generally enouygh to shoot for with these modern diodes for top shelf i'd say its a mater of your budget and desire for quality and warranty. for example i wouldnt expect any warranty from mars idc what they say. but im about to converet all my space to their lights anyway. why? because i am on a budget plus in the end warranty is not my thing. i think i ever botherd once in 45 years to retyrn something. doesnt mean i never buy brand name but i dont care about warranty. anyway i am rambling now hope that made sense as i am not proof reading it lol
Mars would give a nice discount too for whatever it's worth.
Mars would give a nice discount too for whatever it's worth.
i edited and added more to my post actually lol. good to know about a discount lemme know how to get that if ya don't mind. my budget is super tight. im trying to do 3 3x4 spaces and poss veg area over the next year. starting with coverting one at a time and 2 lights each. maybe next year i do the mom/clone room to replace my t5ho i hate buying bulbs for. anyway re-read that last part if you didnt see it on the last post i was editing while you liked it i think
i edited and added more to my post actually lol. good to know about a discount lemme know how to get that if ya don't mind. my budget is super tight. im trying to do 3 3x4 spaces and poss veg area over the next year. starting with coverting one at a time and 2 lights each. maybe next year i do the mom/clone room to replace my t5ho i hate buying bulbs for. anyway re-read that last part if you didnt see it on the last post i was editing while you liked it i think
Gonna dm you.
Wonderful show, love the drama

Can’t we wait til he deletes this thread because the plants weren’t going well to start name calling?

Or... maybe like back when we used to
Flex cree at the vero guys until it didn’t make financial sense to buy crew anymore?


Anyways I’m sure this
Grow will go

And I think mars have done the led industry a service to be honest, coming into the market with cheap shitty hot blurple that grew good dank at good prices pushed a lot of the scammie (lol that’s fun) and pop up blurple companies out who were selling questionable blurples at crazy prices with big promises of made in USA nasa science bullshit and stole a lot of money

I like Chinese companies that know
They sell crap and don’t act surprised when things fall apart

I’ve never owned a mars but I’m glad we aren’t talking about black star led and prow grow and those assholes anymore

Anyways just wanted to let u know
Im subbed