New Medical Grower Here...need help please

Well my babies were doing fine up until recently, nute burned one on accident, did a flush and then it was fine, changed the soil and then I had these brown spots appear within the same day, added some calmag and they still haven't gone away, I'm at a loss and my plants come before my levels are ok in the water, soil is just basic potting soil, no extra nutes in it, I use fox farm trio at a quarter strength and cal mag quarter strength, currently growing in natural sunlight but will be moving to cfl's next month...any more info you may need ask me...thanks for any help

Also noticed the single blade fan leaves above where the cotyledons would be are turning a light green, pretty pale...otherwise the plants seem really healthy and smell great



Well-Known Member
moving from sun to cfl is unusual. people usually do the opposite because you can't get better than the sun. I'd say that since the plants have some age on them, to put them in foxfarm ocean forest soil in a much bigger container, one that can last the entire grow, like 15-20 gallons of soil and leave them alone. no more ferts, just water when dry and they should be okay. if you grow a container plant outdoors in warm weather, they always need a lot of water because it evaporates quickly out of a warm container.
Ok ty for the advice, I've heard fox farm soil is extremely hot and can burn, is there a way to counteract that if it happens? And if I move them into bigger pots how do I prevent overwatering? Also the reason for moving them to cfl's is I currently live in Maine and winter is coming up within the next two months and I've been sitting them on my patio during the day and inside at night since it's starting to get cold at night, they originally started on my window sill


Well-Known Member
if you need to move them a lot, then large containers will be too heavy, especially if water is in it. not a good situation I'm afraid. be best to use large containers, never move them, and get a sodium light if you can afford it. fox farm is good for medium to large plants.


Well-Known Member
the brown spots won't go away, even after you add the cal-mag. those leaves got damaged and that's it. however you shouldn't see any spots in the new leaves.