New mini 250w grow, limited height.


Well-Known Member
Okay guys. Here's my new grow.
For those that don't know me, I gave up smoking and moved into an attic conversion with the g/f, leaving me with a lot of equipment, nothing to do with it, but still a love for the hobby.
On the left are 3 tomato seedlings and on the right, 3 basil seedlings (Yeah, seriously!)
The cupboard is a mere 30" deep, 46" wide and 34" high.
The light is a 250w security lamp with a MH conversion bulb in there at the moment. I also have an HPS bulb for it. It used to be used for my old veg cab.
The base is a hydrogarden dual-flow, in ebb and flow mode with hydroton.
Cooling is a 6" 425 cfm ruck fan with matching filter (rhino I think) I cut a slot in the wall opposite the filter for intake, at the same level as the top of the Ebb-flow table. The filter is because I have had damp problems in the room and I am hoping it will keep them down.
Scrog screen is curved to match the light and works out at 5 square feet. My plan is to scrog the tomatoes and use the area on the right for basil (needs less light), pinching it out as I use it.
Using Canna vega/flora nutes and pH at about 5.5-6.0.
There is no fan for circulation at the moment as a) there is no room! and b) The suction from the fan is evidently making the plants move already.
ppm is about 500 at the moment as they are still seedlings but aiming for about 1200. I know the different nute requirements between basil and tomatoes is going to be a problem but that's something I will work out when the problem arises.
I won't be doing a full journal as I know most people won't be interested (heck, I'm not that interested myself!) but thought it would be of use for people stuck with a space with minimal height.
Sorry I'm not growing 'the plant' this time but I figure anything I am doing is transferable.


New Member
View attachment 2109546
Okay guys. Here's my new grow.
For those that don't know me, I gave up smoking and moved into an attic conversion with the g/f, leaving me with a lot of equipment, nothing to do with it, but still a love for the hobby.
On the left are 3 tomato seedlings and on the right, 3 basil seedlings (Yeah, seriously!)
The cupboard is a mere 30" deep, 46" wide and 34" high.
The light is a 250w security lamp with a MH conversion bulb in there at the moment. I also have an HPS bulb for it. It used to be used for my old veg cab.
The base is a hydrogarden dual-flow, in ebb and flow mode with hydroton.
Cooling is a 6" 425 cfm ruck fan with matching filter (rhino I think) I cut a slot in the wall opposite the filter for intake, at the same level as the top of the Ebb-flow table. The filter is because I have had damp problems in the room and I am hoping it will keep them down.
Scrog screen is curved to match the light and works out at 5 square feet. My plan is to scrog the tomatoes and use the area on the right for basil (needs less light), pinching it out as I use it.
Using Canna vega/flora nutes and pH at about 5.5-6.0.
There is no fan for circulation at the moment as a) there is no room! and b) The suction from the fan is evidently making the plants move already.
ppm is about 500 at the moment as they are still seedlings but aiming for about 1200. I know the different nute requirements between basil and tomatoes is going to be a problem but that's something I will work out when the problem arises.
I won't be doing a full journal as I know most people won't be interested (heck, I'm not that interested myself!) but thought it would be of use for people stuck with a space with minimal height.
Sorry I'm not growing 'the plant' this time but I figure anything I am doing is transferable.

cool bro
and doesnt matter what u grow its all good practice


Well-Known Member
thats whats upi would problay do the same if i couldnt grow mj i just like to grow doesnt really matter what it is


Well-Known Member
Thanks Guys. As far as I know, I will be the first person to scrog tomatoes indoors under light, although I'm sure I'm probably not! They are an unknown variety. I only know that they are either moneymaker or Roma. I started them off carefully marked out in seedling compost in a tray that my old root riot cubes came in, then tripped up when I was pi$$ed one night, potting them on and they all got mixed up!
Hopefully the misses will let me grow some Mary J one day and it will all be ready to go!
Also forgot to mention that I lined the cab with Megalux megashield. Not sure I entirely believe in the stuff re: FLIR cameras but it will be funny if we get busted :-P. I would love to see the look on the coppers faces when the lab reports come back that it was tomatoes! I need a new front door anyway!


New Member
Thanks Guys. As far as I know, I will be the first person to scrog tomatoes indoors under light, although I'm sure I'm probably not! They are an unknown variety. I only know that they are either moneymaker or Roma. I started them off carefully marked out in seedling compost in a tray that my old root riot cubes came in, then tripped up when I was pi$$ed one night, potting them on and they all got mixed up!
Hopefully the misses will let me grow some Mary J one day and it will all be ready to go!
Also forgot to mention that I lined the cab with Megalux megashield. Not sure I entirely believe in the stuff re: FLIR cameras but it will be funny if we get busted :-P. I would love to see the look on the coppers faces when the lab reports come back that it was tomatoes! I need a new front door anyway!

that would be funny for sure
hey keep bugging the misses


Well-Known Member
Oh, I intend too! I think she is worried as my old grow was comparatively big (1 600 hps and 1 250 mh in 2 4x4 areas, one veg, one flower but in my own house so not her business)
I think once she sees I can do it in a tiny cupboard she may let me. Just may take a grow of the tomatoes and basil to put her mind at rest that the door won't get booted in by the plod at 6am.
Also. I think I can get away with one plant in that area (I have another even smaller veg cab ready) so even if I do get busted, no big deal.


New Member
Oh, I intend too! I think she is worried as my old grow was comparatively big (1 600 hps and 1 250 mh in 2 4x4 areas, one veg, one flower but in my own house so not her business)
I think once she sees I can do it in a tiny cupboard she may let me. Just may take a grow of the tomatoes and basil to put her mind at rest that the door won't get booted in by the plod at 6am.
Also. I think I can get away with one plant in that area (I have another even smaller veg cab ready) so even if I do get busted, no big deal.
well u didnt get busted before and if u in usa flir is no worry they cant flir without probable cause
and search warrant

just as long as she dont tell anyone
and u use odor control
tell her no fear of a bust


Well-Known Member
yeah as long as you take the right steps she shouldnt have nothing to worry about but it just scares the shit outta some ppl shit my whole first grow i thought the cops where coming any minute lol


Well-Known Member
I'm in the UK unfortunately and we have a police helicopter go over regularly. In my last loft grow one hovered about 50 yards above it for 10 minutes at 2 a.m. one morning! That's when I bought the megalux sheeting!


New Member
I'm in the UK unfortunately and we have a police helicopter go over regularly. In my last loft grow one hovered about 50 yards above it for 10 minutes at 2 a.m. one morning! That's when I bought the megalux sheeting!

damn that sucks bro


Well-Known Member
Okay guys. Here's my new grow.
For those that don't know me, I gave up smoking and moved into an attic conversion with the g/f, leaving me with a lot of equipment, nothing to do with it, but still a love for the hobby.
On the left are 3 tomato seedlings and on the right, 3 basil seedlings (Yeah, seriously!)
The cupboard is a mere 30" deep, 46" wide and 34" high.
The light is a 250w security lamp with a MH conversion bulb in there at the moment. I also have an HPS bulb for it. It used to be used for my old veg cab.
The base is a hydrogarden dual-flow, in ebb and flow mode with hydroton.
Cooling is a 6" 425 cfm ruck fan with matching filter (rhino I think) I cut a slot in the wall opposite the filter for intake, at the same level as the top of the Ebb-flow table. The filter is because I have had damp problems in the room and I am hoping it will keep them down.
Scrog screen is curved to match the light and works out at 5 square feet. My plan is to scrog the tomatoes and use the area on the right for basil (needs less light), pinching it out as I use it.
Using Canna vega/flora nutes and pH at about 5.5-6.0.
There is no fan for circulation at the moment as a) there is no room! and b) The suction from the fan is evidently making the plants move already.
ppm is about 500 at the moment as they are still seedlings but aiming for about 1200. I know the different nute requirements between basil and tomatoes is going to be a problem but that's something I will work out when the problem arises.
I won't be doing a full journal as I know most people won't be interested (heck, I'm not that interested myself!) but thought it would be of use for people stuck with a space with minimal height.
Sorry I'm not growing 'the plant' this time but I figure anything I am doing is transferable.
HAHA Brilliant!

I know what your sayin' 'bout the missus, I had to do mine in a small area for her to let me lol poxy women XD

Not sure if you can ScrOG tomatoes, the fruit hangs down not like ganja buds :) LST will probably work better, train it horizontally.

Check out my cab, roughly the same size as yours, same wattage light and all that jazz.
One piece of advice I'll give you is putting the carbon filter on the outside, it'll give you much more space in there.


I'm in the UK too man, right in the path of the choppers, had loads of em, even bloody chinooks, flying around checking out Stratford and running training missions for the olympics... damn rozzers!

AND, flir can only detect surface temp so if your just using a small box they wont see it even through thin wooden walls (mines in a shed with walls only 12mm thick) and they need more evidence than flir to bust you even more than a narc and flir, these 2 together will get them a warrent to go thru your bins (or other 'evidence' to raid your house) if they find weed leaves or something in your bin then they can raid your house... basically they need quite a bit to go on before they can even raid you.

Another plus for UK growers, they've pretty much given up looking for small time growers, a new piece of 'advice' came in on the 29th February where you can have up to 9 plants or 10oz and you can't go to prison, providing your not supplying, you'll most likely get a fine and/or some community service and a criminal record, but no prison for small scale :)

I've also upgraded my flower room to Ebb and Flow hydro for a perpetual harvest!

Stay Frosty!


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately we both have heavy records and I doubt it would take much for a judge to grant a warrant.
Also, she is on her third strike.

scotty bagmonster

Active Member
Unfortunately we both have heavy records and I doubt it would take much for a judge to grant a warrant.
Also, she is on her third strike.
Thats some Bonnie and Clyde shit right there,gotta love that !!! awesome when you can play chess instead of checkers.huh, well I am in the same boat,Shes ok with me staying within my 15 plant limit as I am a mmj patient. I only grow less than 15,were both Xfelons . coppers dont care about the small guy .they want the big fish,if you dangle bait in there face they might bite..... get your ol'lady a clone tell her to name it,make her a light or order her 1, ask her to help lst train it ....involve her in you hobby,lifestyle,and or health needs. A happy wife = a happy life .lol Am I right fellas ??? let us know how it goes. and happy growing.


Well-Known Member
HAHA Brilliant!

I know what your sayin' 'bout the missus, I had to do mine in a small area for her to let me lol poxy women XD

Not sure if you can ScrOG tomatoes, the fruit hangs down not like ganja buds :) LST will probably work better, train it horizontally.

Check out my cab, roughly the same size as yours, same wattage light and all that jazz.
One piece of advice I'll give you is putting the carbon filter on the outside, it'll give you much more space in there.

View attachment 2111067View attachment 2111085

I'm in the UK too man, right in the path of the choppers, had loads of em, even bloody chinooks, flying around checking out Stratford and running training missions for the olympics... damn rozzers!

AND, flir can only detect surface temp so if your just using a small box they wont see it even through thin wooden walls (mines in a shed with walls only 12mm thick) and they need more evidence than flir to bust you even more than a narc and flir, these 2 together will get them a warrent to go thru your bins (or other 'evidence' to raid your house) if they find weed leaves or something in your bin then they can raid your house... basically they need quite a bit to go on before they can even raid you.

Another plus for UK growers, they've pretty much given up looking for small time growers, a new piece of 'advice' came in on the 29th February where you can have up to 9 plants or 10oz and you can't go to prison, providing your not supplying, you'll most likely get a fine and/or some community service and a criminal record, but no prison for small scale :)

I've also upgraded my flower room to Ebb and Flow hydro for a perpetual harvest!

Stay Frosty!
Yeah, that filter takes up a lot of room. The fan is squeezed in behind it too, Unfortunately, everything had to be in the cupboard cos of stealth but I still get an ideal footprint is around 5ft of scrogged and shaped screen and the extra floor space is used for extra res and table so no root-bound problems whatever I chuck in there (basil tends to have a massive root system). Temps are already worrying. Staying around high 70's daytime and low 60's night but it's still not warm here yet. I have a powerplant heatshield I think will fit that bulb so may experiment with that if it becomes a problem. I may take the glass off the lamp and replace it with that. Humidity is also very low by weed standards (around 40%) but I think it will work well for my plants.
The tomatoes are rocketing compared to the soil ones and I pulled one out to look at the roots and they are all healthy and white.