New: More Evidence Linking Al-Qadea to intelligence agencies today


New Member
Classified Documents leaked from GITMO recently.

Again we have more evidence which links Al Qaeda to government intelligence agencies MI6, CIA, CSIS, and others.

It is buried as it usually is and the main stream media only makes slight mentions of it like its no big deal as usual - but look it up you can see for yourself, here is some links to get you started:

In case your still in the dark on this and have no idea what I am talking about - Al Qaeda works for intelligence agencies in the west to do false flag operations all over the world - Terrorist ACTS so that governments/powers can gain more power, control, and money.

Al Qaeda openly worked with CIA in Libya being the most recent and some people also claim it is Al Qaeda that is responsible for the other uprisings, some theorize they are all backed by the spy agencies to overthrow the old disobedient dictators out and get new puppet dictators in addition to monetary gains such as the fact Qadafi owed us 27 billion dollars.

What is even more scary to me is how bold they have become to throw this stuff right in our faces now, especially if the allegations are true that Wikilinks is affiliated with the CIA - What the hell are they up to?


Well-Known Member
duh jackass, thats why we prepare for 2012 let a fuckin sandmonkey try and come fuck me up. fuckers better nuke me cuz i wont go a happy camper that is for sure


Well-Known Member
Perhaps it is why WikiLeaks is such an embarrassment as well. Sort of let the cats out of the bag and started the Arab revolts?

I don't know who is in bed with whom but I have not believed we couldn't find Osama bin Laden.

911 did manufacture consent for the whole middle east program.

Nice thread by the way.


Well-Known Member
I'm good with leaving it unanswered myself.

We do have to accept that the Middle East is divided between the Western and Saudi groups just by looking at the two militarises involved with the Arab uprisings.

We have to leave it open because we just don't know what the program is.


Well-Known Member
the war on terrorism is going to turn out like the war on drugs... a waste of time and money. you cant police the world, and you will always have enemies. there will always be misinformed people that are told we are bad people, and in turn try to hurt us in some way. it will never go away, no matter how many trillions of dollars you throw at the problem. also, you could probably argue that the war on terrorism is making things worse.

on top of all this, our own government is paying the "enemy" to do our dirty work. thats starting to sound like an American idea lol


Active Member
well actually the war on terror generates a lot of money for a few lucky individuals and the war on drugs generates billions ;)