New NHL season who's fired up?


Well-Known Member
New season , clean slate , who's your team ,what's your predictions . My team -edmonton oilers . My prediction for the cup final -detroit vs pittsburg.


Well-Known Member
Haven't seen enough this pre-season to make any predictions, but am stoked Bergeron is back healthy in a B's uniform. I will save my predictions for a couple weeks... (the season is 9 months long after all!) but one of my rules to live by has always been "never bet against Detroit!" Let the games begin! bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I'm gunna take heat for this but i'm a Leafs fan, they're gunna be terrible this year but i still cheer for em.. I think Detroit is going to win the cup again, they have such a stacked team now with Hossa and all.. i'm psyched for the season though, it should be fun :peace:


Active Member
the thrashers, my team, are posed to suck, continued suck despite some fucking good talent, 4 lines that continues to be cannibalized.

at least i have pot to ease the pain...