new op all variables given, please tell me what to do


Well-Known Member
k this is the deal, this is my first set up indoors, done outdoors for fun couple times but goin big and for good. just want some reassurance. my partner knows but i need to know.

this is what i have

-20'x8'x8'high space(flower area)
-8'x8'x8'high space(veg area)
-2x 400wt mh/hps digital
-2x 600wt mh/hps digital
-2x1000wt mh/hps digital (i do not have to use all the lights)
-i wana use soil
-i want seed planted moms (have 10x10kinds imported)in veg
-i want clones from moms in flower
-i want to keep it organic or just use guano products
-i do want quality however maximum yield is very important


-is sea of green possible this way?
-if not how do i keep going and keep efficient?
-how long can i produce off the mothers (seeded) before changing them out?
-how many mothers to run in veg area?
-how many clones to put in flower area? how many to cut from each mom?
-what to feed my plants and when? first 2 weeks/next 2 weeks/flushing?
-the math on where exactly the lights should be? just what i need/hydro always an issue

please i am looking for a thorough answer specific to my situation. i might be off on something maybe suggest an alternative, but i need the whole thing covered so im covered.


Well-Known Member
wow posting multiple threads wont help anything.... if anything it will hurt you more than help. members dont like to see double and triple posting.

secondly... as Al B. Fuct has told you.....nobody on the forums is going to hold your hand thru out the whole grow..... they will answer any questions you have if you run into trouble. But designing somebody else's grow room is too time consuming and hell dont you think we gotta keep ours in shape?

there is tons of info on the forum, TONS, did i mentions TONS of info on this site? look around man....i promise you will find all the answers with just reading and browsing the forums.
