New Op, need advice please


Active Member
I'm currently looking into a cabinet grow using one or two 90 W LED UFO and some CFLS, I want to keep it kind of stealthy, but it's not really an issue if I end up with an extra large out of place cabinet in my bedroom. Im kinda wanting one with separate chambers (veg, clone, flower), but if i have to get separate cabinets for this that wont be a problem either.I want to harvest somewhere around an hp to a lb every month I just need some ideas of size and if it's possible.

Looking forward to anyone's input.:weed:


Active Member
I'm currently looking into a cabinet grow using one or two 90 W LED UFO and some CFLS, I want to keep it kind of stealthy, but it's not really an issue if I end up with an extra large out of place cabinet in my bedroom. Im kinda wanting one with separate chambers (veg, clone, flower), but if i have to get separate cabinets for this that wont be a problem either.I want to harvest somewhere around an hp to a lb every month I just need some ideas of size and if it's possible.

Looking forward to anyone's input.:weed:
btw this is all for personal use for me and my friend and we don't have access to good genetics besides bag seed


Active Member
theres an awesome cabinet setup in the faqs. go to the top of your screen its the second to last box on the right side of your screen. it also explains everything youll need. other than that just browse the faqs. it has answers to most of your questions. but if you cant find something feel free to ask.


Active Member
Its usually very roughly estimated that new growers will get about 0.5 g for every watt of light. So to get a half pound from a grow, you'd need about 250 watts. However, a grow takes more like 3 months. But if you've got separate areas for vegging and flowering, you can get a grow every two months. I'd recommend you go with a 600w HPS if you want that much yield a month, but that isn't easy to fit in a cabinet or make stealthy.

I've heard lots of contradictory stuff about LED grow lights, so I can't really weigh in on that, but as far as CFLs go, you'll need a LOT to get half a pound a month.


Active Member
Just a couple questions in helping us figure out what you might need. How much are you willing to spend on this set up? Also, you want it stealthy, but would cabinets with lots of fans and vents be a problem?


Active Member
Well i can spend no more than $500 at this point, but later upgrades will be easy enough i hope. Fans and vents are no problem at all. As far as grow strategy i was thinking of a perpetual harvest strategy. I don't know if this would work its just an idea I've been thinking about and if this is all possible to get a good harvest like this out of a cabinet or small closet i might just put the money forward and bite the bullet cause buying sucks. I plan on putting in a DIY C02 bottle that i found in a skunk magazine using bakers yeast.


Active Member
hmm i cant seem to find that grow cabinet i was telling you about. ill scout for it here in a bit. and imo $500 should be enough to get you started. are you fixed on any certain lighting? cfl or hid? cause like sinned said not only would it be hard to conceal an hid in a cabinet but it will be more expensive because they're hotter. so exhaust will cost you a bit more as compared to cfls. my closets about 3x3x6 and i have a little over 300 watts of clfs and am hoping on a pretty decent yield. you can never be sure and cant ever approximate a yield based on what your willing to spend. its all about skill honestly, and experience.


Active Member
I was kinda dead set on the 90W LED's with CFL supplements because i read in a magazine that they are about as good as a 400W HID, but I don't know if I want to drop the money on it for it not to work. I don't even know how much area i'm going to need for a full flower and vegging cabinet. I was hoping a L3xW3xH6 would work but most links I've seen make an area that small into just a full on flower cabinet. Maybe I'm just hoping for a bit much.


Active Member
well im going to be growing in a 3x3x6 closet. but im only going to do a couple plants. and i dont really want a huge rotation. i just wanna do it a couple times and stop until i get a real place of my own. if you wanted, you could keep the plants small. maybe try some lst (low stress training). because with a 3x3x6 cab you would have about 3x3x2 for each section which is honestly big enough but not if you want to grow large plants. lst basically puts the plant on its side which gives you a bit more space. its gonna take some research but youll get it down.


Active Member
I'd do a lot of research before I purchase those LED lights. I've heard a lot of stuff about them being next to useless, far worse than CFLs of the same wattage. But this could be from people buying knockoff LEDs that aren't even really designed for growing. Just know what your buying before you throw down all the extra money for the LEDs.

I'm guessing CO2 won't really be necessary for your cabinet. A couple plants won't go through a huge amount of CO2, especially if it's in your bedroom as you'll be exhaling CO2 for them. Not to mention that I've heard those little homemade CO2 dispensers can really smell.

With your space limitations it will be hard to get the yield you're looking for, but I think you can still set up a great grow area. And if you grow properly, you can get stronger stuff so you won't need as high a yield. Especially if down the line you find some seeds of a good strain and don't have to rely on bagseed.