New organic Soil/Mix


Well-Known Member
Riu i have been using all foxfarm products for the last year and i want to try something new after the end of this grow.

so i was just curious to see if anyone could tell me what soil/mediums they use.

i know about perlite, vermiculite, coco, bat guano, etc but still let me know what fits you and wrks well for you!

thanks crippled :hump:


Well-Known Member
I am growing in roots organic / ocean forest / light warrior mix right now.. The roots organic is pretty much like taking 40 percent of light warrior and mixing the rest with ocean forest. It's got a lot of coco fiber in it, and is not as amended as OF.


Active Member
Roots organic:
Made with only the best ingredients on the planet. 100% organic soil that contains peat moss, coco fiber, perlite and pumice. It is amended with Bat Guano, Sea Bird Guano, wonder worm castings, fish bone, Oregon-ism mycorrhizae, kelp meal, green sand, soy bean meal, leonardite, K-Mag, glacial rock dust, alfalfa meal and oyster shell.
Ocean Forest:
This unique potting soil combines the best fertilizers from the ocean and those found on land. Made from forest humus, sphagnum peat for aeration, bat guano, fish, crab, shrimp, Norwegian kelp meals and worm castings. This mix can be added to other soils or used alone in containers, indoors or out.
(These are of online hydrosites)

VERY similar....
I ended up also getting a brick of coco and I had some extra worm castings and did a 50% roots 40% extra coco and 10% extra work casting for a light mix on the top. I then mixed a straight layer of roots and chicken in the middle. Ending with roots and a blend of high phosphorus bat guano, chicken manure, and worm castings. This was all done right when I started the seed germinating because I also watered in BMO super plant tonic, molasess, and and warm water to get those buggies going.


Active Member
UPDATE on this Crip. I am having some AMAZING results with a seedling I just planted in this soil. Like in a weeks time its width is probably pushing 6 inches. I will try to get ahold of a camera. Im also using BMO with this. Lots of that SPT for healthy roots.


Well-Known Member
Roots organic is the shizznet. thats what im using. i just bought my 3rd bag of it today. i go thru aquaserene too. does that mean ur in oregon lilgirlss? anyhoooo heres some pics of my plants in this soil.its got so much great stuff in it that u arent supposed to use any nutes for three weeks.



Well-Known Member
I use Earl May complete planting mix, it is all organic, a mix of garden soil, peat moss, organic and mushroom compost. It has done wonders out of the bag, never had a drainage problem, has stayed light and airy through the whole grow. Would definitely recommend for $8 a bag.


Well-Known Member
i mix a 5 gallon bucket of good top soil with a bucket of composted horse shit and a bucket of perlite and it works out pretty well


Well-Known Member
damn i bet that shit works with wonders!
i got a lot of horse shit...

it works really well for me. great drainage, composted horse manure is super fluffy holds water but drains well as long as its not packed which doesnt happen with the perlite and topsoil, when i mix it i may add more perlite depending on how it looks.

that pile of manure is about 10 foot high now and prolly a lil wider

