Roots organic:
Made with only the best ingredients on the planet. 100% organic soil that contains peat moss, coco fiber, perlite and pumice. It is amended with Bat Guano, Sea Bird Guano, wonder worm castings, fish bone, Oregon-ism mycorrhizae, kelp meal, green sand, soy bean meal, leonardite, K-Mag, glacial rock dust, alfalfa meal and oyster shell.
Ocean Forest:
This unique potting soil combines the best fertilizers from the ocean and those found on land. Made from forest humus, sphagnum peat for aeration, bat guano, fish, crab, shrimp, Norwegian kelp meals and worm castings. This mix can be added to other soils or used alone in containers, indoors or out.
(These are of online hydrosites)
VERY similar....
I ended up also getting a brick of coco and I had some extra worm castings and did a 50% roots 40% extra coco and 10% extra work casting for a light mix on the top. I then mixed a straight layer of roots and chicken in the middle. Ending with roots and a blend of high phosphorus bat guano, chicken manure, and worm castings. This was all done right when I started the seed germinating because I also watered in BMO super plant tonic, molasess, and and warm water to get those buggies going.