New outdoor rain an issue?


Well-Known Member
Probably 1-2 weeks til harvest on my potted sativa, and we're expecting rain and overcast skies next few days (cold and windy too). Northern Ca area.

I have friends that grow outdoors and at first sign of rain they freak out and yank everything. Is rain really that bad for buds? I am afraid of mold, but also think it's just natural and the plants will dry off.

Should I let it be, or consider harvesting?


I'd try and put a temporary cover over them is possible,i'm no expert bud if the buds get soaked with rain the chances of mould will increase big time.
I'm in nor cal too and we probably are experiencing the same storm, my buds got soaked the past week and i clipped the other day just cuz it was time but they're totally fine so far. Marijuana grows best around the equator like south america and south america is home to the worlds largest rain forest ecosystem so i'm sure it's fine.