New Perpetual Grow Thread


Well-Known Member
Just started a thread, would love some help along the way.

So im currently in the middle of my TGA Agent Orange thread. I originally got three seeds, and was sure i would get a male, so i can make some more agent orange seeds. I got all females. All three seem to be a good 50/50 Sativa/Indica hybrid, but they all show different phenos. Because i was just trying to make seed, i started off 12/12 from seed and didnt do any topping, so they arent very big. So i took clones, and let the rest just go. They are about 6 to 7 weeks in.

1. Rubbing my fingers on the stems, Agent Orange A is the most sweet smelling, almost like orange jello.

2. Agent Orange B is milder smelling, still like oranges, just not a sweet smelling orange.

3. Agent Orange C is mos defenitly like a whiskey sour.

Im using a homemade cabinet, and about 350W worth of mixed CFLs. I made a supersoil, with worm castings, azomite, blood meal, guano, lime, epsom salts, all mixed into a black gold soil base. I dont PH anything, and i dont like my water air out.



Well-Known Member
I also just planted two seeds in rapid rooters.

1. Gooeybreeder Purple Mayhem

2. Gooeybreeder Berry Mania X Dark Cross

I will post pics when these pop.