new pics blue cheese week 7


Well-Known Member
hey guys this is my blue cheese
week 7 in flower
she was very sick around the 2nd week of flowering so thats why its takin so damn long to flower
some of her leaves are a little brittle
my temp is 80 and hum is 35 %



Well-Known Member
thanks man i had a ph problem or a ph lockout and the plant wasnt gettin food so i had to chop off a lot of leaves because they were all dying
i thought the plant was gonna die but i started with my flora nutes and it came back to life
i just have to wait longer now to cut it down because of the slow growth
i think 3 or 4 weeks till its done
what you guys think


Well-Known Member
I had the same problem. Are you using GH nutes? If so what are you amount are you doing it in? I am going to try them out after this grow. I am using Botanicare nutes now.