new PICS of my leaf problems plz help she not dieing is she


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Well-Known Member
Cant see a prob man. ?Nothing wrong with it, your being overdramatic "oh no! theyre gonna die" .


Well-Known Member
i saw one pic w what looked like some browning/yellowing. also looked like leaves are "clawing" (dying tips that curl down). what are u using for nutes? what is your ph running at? from what im gathering it looks like a magnesium def...


Im not a pro but from brown tips and slight yellowing and the slight drooping I see.. it could be over fertilizing them. I did transplant my plants and fed them too early and within three hours they started drooping and slight tip yellowing/brownish.. so they had that reaction and I had to give them a light flush and they bounced back within an hour.


Active Member
well im 2 weeks in and the nutes are all in the soil it says it use nutes in the flowering its terra soil. i doin from clones its been growing very quick its only the bottom its happening really do u think the tops look like there clawing


Im not there to feel the leaves but are they crispy and curling? That could also be a sign of over fertilizing or too much heat.. but I dont think its the heat because vegging does better at a higher temp


Active Member
yeh the two bottom leafs feel dry the temp goes from 82 to 88 in my tent im not using fertz yet its all in the soil apparently it says to use fertz when in flower they only thing i use is a tiny bit of rootboost organic


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ph of what my soil or the water i use ph of the water was 7 but now i got it down to 6.7 but the guy at my hydro shop said the ph shouldnt matter with the soil because the soil sort the ph out


Well-Known Member
magnesiun deficiency will start to show signs 2 to 4 weeks after the deficiency starts. it starts with yellowing in the margins of the leaves, while the leaf stems stay green. as it progresses the leaf tips curl and die at the tips. further progression shows as the leafs brown or get rust spots and die from the outside in. eventually the plant will die. however, your soil may contain adequate amounts of mag., but if the ph is outta whack then the roots are unable to draw up the nutes, resulting in deficiencies.


Well-Known Member
any calcium magnesium fertilizer supplement should do the trick. dolomite lime is a good magnesium supplement. if i were you i would go to your local hydroponics store and just tell them whats going on and see which kind of cal-mag or dolomite lime they recommend and dosage. i mostly grow hydroponically not in soil so idk the dosage u would use for soil, but im sure they could tell u at the hydroponics store.