new pics of the girls


Active Member
Over my head!61/2 ft. and rising.I had to stand on a bucket to get the top view.They're growing in a 40 gal pot.Pre flowers all over them.What kind are they? I'll accept any suggestions.Thanks



Active Member
Thanks! I sprouted them in feb.And kept them in a good window until the weather started to break.I put them outside in small pots and brought them inside at night.In May I transplanted them to the big pot and moved them into "The Secret Spot" live in mid Michigan.Hope I can beat the frost.


Well-Known Member
Those look great, don't you just love when your girl's tits are all perked up like that one on the right.

Papi Chingon

Well-Known Member
that's awesome! are they in the same pot? if so, you may want to reconsider for next year, but either way they look great.