new plant?


Well-Known Member
hi i have a new little weed that is about 3 inch tall, 3 inch wide.. its been vedging under a 250 watt c,f,l for one week!!

would i be better putting it under the 400w hps or should i wait abit? wat would u say? cheers


stay with the fluorescent for now for energy aspects. but is this doesn't concern you then i say go with the HPS

Just pay real close attention to the temperature at the plant level


Well-Known Member
hi i have a new little weed that is about 3 inch tall, 3 inch wide.. its been vedging under a 250 watt c,f,l for one week!!

would i be better putting it under the 400w hps or should i wait abit? wat would u say? cheers

Put it under the big light. The hps will kick it into high gear. Make sure the light isnt too close. Also, use a small oscillating fan to strengthen the stem. Good luck!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
You'll get a bigger girl with the 400w, but I would wait one more week, let her get a bit stronger before you put her under there.


Well-Known Member
Yep sounds good, watch her close at first - if she shows any signs of heat stress (might wanna google this if you aren't sure) then move it up further. If she looks good you can also try slowly lowering it, but no closer than 12".


Well-Known Member
thanks mate, northern sole it is,
i just want it as quick as poss,
as they take absoulutley ages till harvest..