New plants curling under and turning yellow


Well-Known Member
also, dont fret too much about yellowing leaves at the base of the plant.. it happens.. the plant manages energy and leaves at the bottom do not have a very large role in energy production - I would just prune those leaves so they are almost non-existant.. also make sure the nutrient mix is correct.. only start worrying about yellow leaves if they are at the top.. cheers


Active Member
Tell us more about your plants:

What type of medium; soil or hydro?
What brand and type of soil?
Indoors or outdoors?
What strain?
How old are the plants?
What type of lights and how many watts?
How far from the lights?
What, how much and when was it fed? NPK?
What is the medium/runoff pH?
What are the temps and humidity in the room?
What size pots?
Any bugs? Look real close.
Any other pertinent info?


Well-Known Member
Ph can always be adjusted i use M.G. to start and have never had any probs like this. and i do hydro. it looks like a phosphorous or boron deficiency. which could be due to a Ph problem. this is why i like the hydro. i can adjust Ph quickly and off the cuff with soil you haveto test and adjust and test again after a while it can cause a lot of headaches. some may disagree with me but i think that the hydro is easier for beginners. but in either case you have to do a lot of research. i would ease up on nutes until rootbound. then transplant, and when they are thriving just off water for a week or so then start introducing nutes, and do it every two weeks with plenty of watering in between to flush out salts.


Well-Known Member
Ok first off, you're watering WAY TOO MUCH. everyday until it's drenched? no telling the damage you've done under the soil. I go about every 4-5 days but there isnt an exact schedule. you want to be able to stick your finger 2-3 inches down in it and check the moisture. if it's dry in the core, water. if it's still moist, hold off.

all of you guys are leading him to think it's something else...


Well-Known Member
as said, MG soil is shit, throw it out. careful with the plant food, what is the NPK? you only want to feed nutes every other watering, and ease them on to it. each growth period needs different shit so i wouldn't rely on some all-purpose plant food.


Well-Known Member
try and get some blood meal its has high nitrogen 12-0-0

to me your plants look like there over water and dont have enough nitro
keep yours temps between 72-82 and dont water them everyday miracle grow is great but dont give them no nutes and when you do give them bout half dose cause mg has nutes in it

good luck


Active Member
i got precisely the same problem , doesnt seem to be growing much and they are curled up like hell! im a little restricted with
equipment, its an organic growth no nutrients added, 600 hps in the closet with a fan blowing on the lamp. setup is amateur really soil from the garden which rich in nutrients( boiled), lamp 2 ft over them with no reflector as i figured its too much light( please anyone correct me if im wrong) soil becomes really really hard before watering which is every second day with daily applying little on the top to keep the surface of the soil humid. temperature 29-30 C. SOS anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????


Well-Known Member
If you watered it everyday, especially when they are that small, you have definitely overwatered them. the humidity could be too low as well.
hahahah it is worse. i check on mine ALLLLLLLLLLLL the time, its horrible. these plants have given me ocd. what i'd do man, is it looks like a watering situation, i'm not pro, but just from looking around on here, thats what im thinking. so, just let the soil dry out, see if your new sprouts start looking okay and give it a little water. let the soil become dry or feel/look dry before watering again. its important to water, but too much hurts too.
Don't use prebought seed starter dirt, it has a weed killer in it and majijuana is a weed. The government makes it mandatory to prevent more seeds from growing. Dig your dirt out of the woods and check the ph level and go from there. Miracle grow fertilizer has an ingredient in it to kill the THC, do not use that. Use all organic fertilizers. Hope this will help.


Active Member
Don't use prebought seed starter dirt, it has a weed killer in it and majijuana is a weed. The government makes it mandatory to prevent more seeds from growing. Dig your dirt out of the woods and check the ph level and go from there. Miracle grow fertilizer has an ingredient in it to kill the THC, do not use that. Use all organic fertilizers. Hope this will help.
I dont know exactly where your info is collected from but I believe you might be slightly off with your notion that MG has ingrediants that degrade THC quality. I would advise against MG since it lacks trace elements and contains an unstable NPK balance for cannibus. I have a similar problem currently but it is due to nitro deficiency (most likely). Only water when the top layer of soil appears nearly dry because the lower layers of the soil will retain water for quite a bit. Rule of thumb says to water with between 3-5 day gaps. I would ALSO advise you to use some botanicare Cal-Mag.
