New plants, new problems!...


New Member
What are the specs of you setup? The soil used, the ferts and their NPK ratios, how often your watering, what kind of lighting and how close to plants, etc...


New Member
i have 4 600 watt lights but only using 2 at the mo with them being small, using metal halide 600 watt bulbs. bat special soil, ionic grow feed mixed to ratio of 7ml to 1 litre ppm is about 130 and ph is 5.8 I have done other plants with no issues cant understand whats happening. When i got these cuttings they were bigger then i normally get them and they had only been given water. Ive always fed my plants every day with about 700ml of feed. Ive only had them 4 days. Im holding off feeding them tonight and going to let soil dry and flush them, they seem to be needing something but i cant understand what. The leaves are dropping too but they are not needing watered??


Well-Known Member
They look over watered and your ph is low you need to keep it above 6 and below 7. I have seen damage like that befor but it from using a sulphur burner during lights on.
your ph is too low, i have the exact same problem with two of my seedlings, because I messes up their ph at the beginning. Slowly bring it back up to 7 and your new growth should improve. the old growth will still look the same though.
just water with 7.5 ph or so the next few waterings until you get back around 6.5 and it should correct itself. lay off the nutes during this time too, you shouldn't have to do a full blown flush.
Yes. Just continue watering for the next few waters with normal ph water. I always use distilled with added cal-mag, however, maybe you should just use regular tap water that has been left out for a few days for the chlorine to evap. That should fix the problem. I am currently having the same problem. I don't think you have used enough nutes to worry about having to flush at the moment. Just try the straight water for a week and see what happens
I said earlier that I had never experienced nor seen this problem before and I was wrong. Just got home from work and am seeing the yellow spotting on the leaves with them drooping as well. Seems to be the ph is to low and I am overwatering. I poked holes in the soil so it could air out faster and give the roots more oxygen and am only going to water when the soil is utterly dried out and then will only use plain distilled water. You should try the same and see what happens.


New Member
I will do... i just find it strange because normally i grow from small cuttings water for a week then start on neuts, these had already been watered for a couple of weeks before i got them so i just presumed i could start with feed straight away. Could it be because i have just transplanted them and they need to route in first and just giving them water will do that?
Yes. The roots are in shock because of the transplant whether the plant shows it physically or not. Feeding with water first a couple times, which is what I do after transplant, will make it easier for the roots to adapt and keep stress levels as low as possible.